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About Me

Funkie Monkies Productions, founded by Eric Ng(HYR) + Xiaohan, is an indie label, trying to funny but serious at the same time...Seriously Funny, Funnily Serious...

My Interests


Member Since: 04/10/2007
Band Website: www.fmmusic.com.sg/blog
Band Members: HYR/Xiaohan/Jiahui/Ngak/Guan/Jim and U?!?!? hahaha!
Influences: Anyone and Everyone...From Ang Moh to Ah Beng, from Metallica to Celine Dion, from Tragic love Stories to Talk Cock Sing Song Tales!!
Sounds Like: everything we've been hearing for the last 5 years, lumped into one...that's the basis of your melody sense...
Record Label: FM
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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