Russ /TT profile picture

Russ /TT

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Just like you, I'm a Soul- Spawned from celestial essence and now residing as Human on a barbaric backwater called Earth. True Story.In this lifetime time, a passion to be creative has evolved and I'm usually inspired by current environment/political/social events.I'm a social worker and (in the past a) volunteer worker which has allowed me to see first hand the issues communities face. These experiences have heavily influenced my writing and although these topics can be heavy, my BENT sense of humor gets me through it which is evident in my lyrics. I need this humor in my lyrics because if you don't laugh, you cry. Myspace Backgrounds Your results:
You are Iron Man
Iron Man 70%
Batman 55%
Green Lantern 55%
The Flash 55%
Supergirl 53%
Wonder Woman 53%
Robin 52%
Superman 45%
Hulk 40%
Spider-Man 35%
Catwoman 25% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Good question. If I haven't already, the future Mrs Russ and the members of the new band that want me to join their crusade. Or those who want to join me and commit homicide on hypocrisy with words, noise and dissent; to incite action and reaction. Long live Dylan R espectful
U nique
S harp
S oulful
E nlightened
L ovely
L oyal

Analyze your own name!

My Blog

What I know.

I believe We are Energy. Pure Energy. Unbreakable, eternal and right here, right now. You are also a product of your thoughts, emotions and experiences. With the capacity to project endless love and c...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 01:50:00 GMT