Golden Dragon Martial Arts focuses on the purging of ones body, mind and spirit .any thing thats easily acheived can just as easily be lost ,only through hardship of challenge can true enlightenment be revealed to ones mind, body and spirit. at GOLDEN DRAGON MARTIAL ARTS this is our soul purpous to plant these seeds of wisdom in hopes that our small corner of the world has a place where being human to one another through compassion, patience and understanding of common respect and courtesy is still vital and excisting.the world is changing and society of this age is influenced by economics human regulation and pure greed. we want to provide an enviroment where thinking for yourself and having an open mind within discipline is just as important as anything else we are programmed for by our media ,goverment and economic ideas.through our physical training we beleive you challenge your soul bringing imperfections about yourself to the surface ,not just physical imperfections but other issues like lack of focus, impatience, anger ,intollerence,lack of self control, weak of spirit, the inability to follow through with an action ,improper courtesy and ettiquette.the physical aspect of martial arts is truly only a small percentage of importance its the lessons of morality and the tools for life that it gives is the larger once said use the art of war to promote peace within your self and community and there you will find yourself centered.
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