Started playing drums at the 5th grade level and was a natural, i learned anything about percussion and rhythm quick. Took interest into makin beats cause i get a finish product that i can call my own. Making music that is respected by other musicians as well as non-musicians as well as originality is the key to longevity. It's easier said than done, but I'm takin down alot of producers that have been in the business longer than i have. Like RUN himself said "talent gets you through the door, but hardwork and dedication get you into the winner's circle." Take the time to listen to my shit peeps, if you're interested in a beat, hit me up and i can arrange something, as well as create a new one. I got it for cheap, 30-60 smacks. I'm not a gimmick and im not an image, thats what sets me apart. Intelligence dedication and talent is all that matters in the business world no matter what media makes you think. PeaceChanges may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile