Where do i stand in this world, I am nothing but a yourng man in a struggling world trying to find themself. Where do i stand in my house, Where i am fighting over the phone and the computer everday. Where do i stand in my school, Where i am fighting other people just for a grade in the class. Where do i stand with my girlfriend, Do she love me, Am i not worthy of her affection? Am i not good looking? I dont even know where i stand with myself! Am i not doing enough for my life? Am i not trying to follow my goals? Am i not tempting? Am not smart? WHERE DO I STAND IF I DONT KNOW THEN I GUESS I STAND ALONE!!Wendell Gene BolenCopyright ©2006 Wendell Gene Bolen
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How to make a Worm
5 parts competetiveness
1 part brilliance
3 parts leadership
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of sadness and enjoy!
Personality cocktail
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the latest books i have read was the Da Vinci Code and Angels and Deamons