I'm Sam. I Am a Boy. I'm 15.
this girl is the white on my rice.
if you haven't heard, we're what you would call..
best friends.
add my personal here.
"shut up cunt, i'll cut your tongue"-millionaires.
i'm sammm
and i have a reputation in this town as a bitch.
but i'm only a bitch to you who hate me.
and straightedgers.
i never trouble trouble, until trouble troubles me.
so,don't fucking go on, about how i started shit with you.
back down bitch, you're fuckin done.
yeah, i do smoke cigarettes.
get the fuck over it.
it's my life. not yours so fuck off.
i can take care of myself.
i make my own decisions in life, and i intend to keep it that way.
i don't trust many people in my life, so it's full of people i hate. i'm pretty easy to get along with if you dont fuck up and piss me off. i don't like alot of gay people on the east coast. to fkkn conceited.i am gay so don't get me wrong. i text alot and usually about unimportant stuff. if you see me at the mall say hi. if i think you're acceptable i will talk to you. i misspell things purposely. |ex: you;YOUH,YEW. love;LOFF,LUBB,LAHH,LAFF. etc|