ACADEMIC CHOIR „OBILIC“The academy choir „Obilic“ was founded in 1884, at the university of Belgrade, back then the Big school, under the name the Academy singing society „Obilic“. The choir is convicted by Josif Marinkovic, Stanislav Binicki, Jovan Bandur, Lovro Matacic, Svetolik Pascan and Branko Dragutinovic.
A few years after re opening (1945), under the management of maestro Bogdan Babic, the choir, now under the name „ Branko Krsmanovic“, becomes a crucial factor of the Jugoslavian music production back then, countless awards can testify that – first place in Areca, Langolen, Vienna and Munich,....
Since 1981, Prof. Mrs. Darinka Matic has been conducting the choir, with her enormous energy and enthuziasm she achieves the highest artistic range of the Academy choir in the national as well as the International music scene.
Among the greates achievements of the choir, surely we include the eight, three – month tours in the US and Canada (over 500 concerts) as well as tours around Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Polland, China, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Great Britain, France, Spain, Hungary, Greece, as well as the participation in the celebration of 2000 years of Christianity, in the church Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome and the First International Choir Festival in Vienna in the year of 2001.
The ensemble repertoary has a big number of spiritual, programme of a capella of Russian, Bulgarian and local composers.
The choir associated with good standing orchestra in the country and abroad, among which are: The Symphony Orchestra of Geneva, Philharmony from Nice, Orchester of the Academy of Santa Cecillia in Rome, the Russian National Orchestra, National Orchestra of Lion, National orchestra of Lila, National Orchestra of Yemen under the leading conductors of the country and world such as Lovro Maticic, Milan Horvat, Vladimir Kranjcevic, Jack De Lacot, Sikstin Erling, Hans Graf, Emil Cakarov, Evgenij Svetlanov, Siril Ditrih, Jan Cloud Casadesis, George Pretr and others.
The ansamble performed in most famouse halls of the world, Carnegie hall in New York, Acropolis opera in Nice,Conzerthausen in Stockholme, Conservatoriume hall Tchaikovski in Moscow, Hall of Berlin philharmony, Los Angeles philharmony hall, Constitutian hall in Washington, Irodio theater in Athens as well as The Golden hall muzik-ferain in Vienna.
In corporation in with the „Branko Krsmanovic“ society, the choir has taken its primary name „Obilic“ in the year 1991.
The artistic persona of Darinka Matic Marovic is composed of harmonically combined with cultivated musicality, authority, suggestivness, endless energy and her acomplite dedication to work.
Her inspiring interpretation of the very demanding national and international,classical and modern repertory, has been accepted with high enthuziasm by the audience in halls of over t30 countries of the world: in almost all european countries, in the US, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, China, India, Pakistan, Avganistan, Iran, Mongolia.
After high school and school of music in Kotor she has graduated from the Belgrade Music Academy, primarily in the field of teaching, eith the piano as a major subject (1959), and later in the field of conducting in the class of Mihailo Vukdragovic (1971). She teached in the music school „Stankovic“ (1964 – 1971) and Faculty of Music Arts. She was the dean of this faculty (1983 – 1989) and rector of The University of Arts (1989 – 1998). The price winner of many union recognitions. The splendid career od Darinka Matic Marovic coheres at first with womens choir „Collegium musicum“ (since it was founded in 1971) and the combinational Academy choir „Branko Krsmanovic“ – now known as „Obilic“ (since 1980, after the passing of the long - term conductor Bogdan Babic) with whom she accomplished many tours with the combinational choir only in the US and Canada, twice 108 concerts among which were Carnegie hall.
Both choirs, thanks to her, add up to be the most significant institutions of music life in the country. She won many prices, almost only first and special ones, in the most qualified local and world wide choir competitions (Langolen, Varna, Reco, Goricia, Berlin, Torevijeha). She participated in the greatest world festivals, Prague spring, Berlin special days, George Enesku, Pueblo – festival in Mexico, World choir festival in Vienna, European choir festival in Torevijeha in Spain. She set on stage with many up standing orchestras in the country and abroad, especially in the performance of big vocal – instrumental works ( Mocart, Verdy's Requiem, Bruckner' Te Deum, Orf 's Carmine Burana, Alexander Nevski Prokofieva, etc.)AKADEMSKI HOR “OBILIC“Akademski hor „Obilic“ osnovan je 1884. godine na Beogradskom Univerzitetu, tadasnjoj Velikoj skoli, pod imenom Akademsko Pevacko drustvo „Obilic“. Horom diriguju, Josif Marinkovic, Stanislav Binicki, Jovan Bandur, Lovro Matacic, Svetolik Pascan i Branko Dragutinovic.
Nekoliko godina po obnavljanju rada (1945. godine), pod rukovodstvom maestra Bogdana Babica, hor, sada pod imenom „Branko Krsmanovic“ postaje znacajan cinilac tadasnje jugoslovenske muzicke produkcije o cemu svedoce brojna priznanja – prva mesta u Arecu, Langolenu, Becu, Minhenu,.......
Od 1981. godine horom diriguje profesor gdja Darinka Matic Marovic koja svojom velikom energijom i entuzijazmom postize najvise umetnicke domete Akademskog hora na domacoj i medjunarodnoj muzickoj sceni.
Medju najvece uspehe hora ubrajaju se osam tromesecnih turneja po SAD i Kanadi (preko 500 koncerata) ali i turneje po Svajcarskoj, Svedskoj, Finskoj, Ceskoj, Slovackoj, Poljskoj, Kini, Nemackoj, Austriji, Italiji, Rumuniji, Bugarskoj, Rusiji, Velikoj Britaniji, Francuskoj, Spaniji, Madjarskoj, Grckoj, kao i ucesce na proslavi 2000 godina hriscanstva u crkvi Santa Maria in Aracoeli u Rimu i na Prvom svetskom horskom festivalu u Becu 2001. godine.
Ansambl na repertoaru ima veliki broj duhovnog, a capella programa ruskih, bugarskih i domacih kompozitora.
Hor je saradjivao sa istaknutim orkestrima u zemlji i inostranstvu, medju kojima su: Zenevski simfonijski orkestar, Filharmonija iz Nice, orkestar akademije Santa Cecillia iz Rima, Ruski nacionalni orkestar, Nacionalni orkestar iz Liona, Nacionalni orkestar iz Lila, Moskovski kamerni orkestar, Jermenski nacionalni orkestar, pod vodjstvom istaknutih domacih i svetskih dirigenata kao sto su Lovro Matacic, Milan Horvat, Vladimir Kranjcevic, Zak De Lakot, Sikstin Erling, Hans Graf, Emil Cakarov, Evgenij Svetlanov, Siril Ditrih, Zan Klod Kasadesis, Zorz Pretr i drugi.
Ansambl je nastupao u najpoznatijim dvoranama sveta, Karnegi Hol u Njujorku, Akropolis opera u Nici, Konserthauzet u Stokholmu, sali konzervatorijuma Cajkovski u Moskvi, sali Berlinske filharmonije, sali Losandjeleske filharmonije, Konstitjusn hol u Vasingtonu, Irodio teatar u Atini kao i Zlatnoj sali Mjuzik-ferain u Becu.Umetnickoj licnosti Darinke Matic Marovic harmonicno su zdruzeni kultivisana muzikalnost, autoritativnost, sugestivnost, neiscrpna energija i potpuna posvecenost radu.
Njene nadahnute interpretacije vrlo zahtevnog domaceg i stranog, klasicnog i savremenog repertoara, sa odusevljenjem je prihvatala publika u najuglednijim salama u preko 30 zemalja sveta: u skoro svim evropskim zemljama, zatim u SAD, Kanadi, na Kubi, u Meksiku, Kini, Indiji, Pakistanu, Avganistanu, Iranu, Mongoliji,....
Posle gimnazije i muzicke skole u Kotoru, zavrsila je na beogradskoj Muzickoj akademiji najpre nastavni odsek, sa klavirom kao glavnim predmetom (1959), a potom i dirigovanje u klasi Mihajla Vukdragovica (1971).
Predavala je u muzickoj skoli „Stankovic“ (1964 – 1971) i na Fakultetu muzicke umetnosti.
Bila je i dekan ovog fakulteta (1983 – 1989) i rektor Univerziteta umetnosti (1989 – 1998). Dobitnik je mnogobrojnih drustvenih priznanja.
Blistava karijera Darinke Matic Marovic vezuje se prevashodno za zenski hor „Collegium musicum“ (od osnivanja 1971) i mesoviti Akademski hor „Branko Krsmanovic“ – sada „Obilic“ (od 1980, nakon smrti dugogodisnjeg dirigenta Bogdana Babica), sa kojima je ostvarila brojne turneje – sa mesovitim horom samo u SAD i Kanadi u dva maha 108 koncerata, medju ostalim i u Karnegi holu.
Oba hora ubrajaju se, zahvaljujuci njoj, u najznacajnije institucije muzickog zivota u zemlji. Osvojila je veliki broj nagrada, skoro iskljucivo prvih i specijalnih, na najistaknutijim domacim i svetskim horskim takmicenjima (Langolen, Varna, Areco, Goricija, Berlin, Torevijeha). Ucestvovala je i na najvecim svetskim festivalima Prasko prolece, Berlinski svecani dani, Zorz Enesku, Pueblo – festival u Meksiku, Svetski horski festival u Becu).
Nastupala je i sa mnogim uglednim orkestrima u zemlji i inostranstvu, posebno u izvodjenju velikih vokalno – instrumentalnih dela (Mocartov i Verdijev Rekvijem, Bruknerov Te Deum, Orfova Karmina Burana, Aleksandar Nevski Prokofjeva i dr.)
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