Ruby Vroom profile picture

Ruby Vroom

I am here for Friends

About Me

Ruby Vroom is not complex. She is hard-boiled and hard to please and always armed with an argument. Ruby Vroom spoils easily and her plush upbringing made her down-right rotten. She has no conscience or sense of morality, she shapes her life with her whims and desires. Much like her smile, Ruby's sweet name belies her ruthless nature. Enchanting as she may seem, follow only at your own risk. She may be precious but Ruby is also fast and hard.

Ruby likes her bourbon neat and her muscles sore. She's always proud of a well-earned bruise, so Ruby decided to devote her time and energy to roller derby. Since making men cry had become mundane, Ruby hopes that the Emerald City Roller Girls will prove to be more worthy adversaries and companions.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

a challenge.

My Blog

What I Learned At Rollerball 2009

1. Rollerball is like a holiday just for us.  Always request the day after off from work.2. Always keep the batteries charged in your camera.  When a hundred derby girls have a formal function fuele...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 23:01:00 GMT

Track Town Smack Down

My first bout was a whirlwind of activity and emotions.First of all I never quite got as nervous as I thought that I would there were moments, of course and I must have peed four times the hour before...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 20:00:00 GMT

First Pudding, then the World

As much as I wished for it beforehand, I have had some coping issues since I have joined my team. It is not the Church of Sk8in that is the problem but me, any other team would have produced the same...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 11:22:00 GMT

The Draft

The draft, the drama.  Okay, for the record, I hate the word drama.  It is entirely overused and often trivializes real feelings that are deservedly hurt.  I also dislike it because I f...
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 10:15:00 GMT

Second scrimmage

Okay, so my second scrimmage was not nearly as scary as the first.  Well, I did get stressed out enough to give myself heartburn beforehand but I got passed that.  This time I felt much more...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 16:08:00 GMT

First Scrimmage

It’s true, it says so on my arm.  There are not-so-subtle Sharpie remnants of my derby number still written on my bicep from my first scrimmage.  I was happy just to have a use for my ...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 13:01:00 GMT


The short story is that I finally passed my advanced skills assessments. If you haven’t been keeping track it was my third attempt.We were evaluated last night by Des Demona, Roller Toaster and...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 20:39:00 GMT

All Derby, All the Time

Wow, what a great weekend.On Friday evening while I was waiting in a very long line for a very long time to see Barack Obama speak (unsuccessfully, I will add) I got a call from my Fresh Meat Captain,...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 21:09:00 GMT

The Sweet Stench of Mediocrity

Roller girls have a dirty secret. Well, at least a smelly secret. All that protective gear that we have to wear to survive... stinks. There are ways to sanitize your gear and I am diligent about it...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 11:21:00 GMT


Rollerball was like prom for derby girls.  This past Sunday evening we took over local fancy restaurant Bel Ami and celebrated the league's one year anniversary.  We celebrated with blood re...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 13:49:00 GMT