Take the quiz:
What branch of the U.S. military is for you?
United States Marine Corps
You are fit to be a Marine! The Marines were fighting battles and winning wars before there ever was a United States of America. You live your life to the fullest, and will take any life that threatens yours, even your mother! You are one crazy mofo!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! ChelseaMS
"A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other... maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever." ~Dave Matthews
adopt your own virtual pet!
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A Rifleman's Prayer: Dear God my Father, through Thy Son, hear the prayer of a warrior son. Give my eyes a vision keen to see the thing that must be seen. A steady hand I ask of Thee. The feel of wind on land or sea. Let me not ever be careless of life, limb, or liberty. For justice sake, a quiet heart; and grace and strength to do my part for God and Country, Family, and Corps. Let me be faithful to thee forevermore. Amen.ChelseaMS
(Remember that a soldier is the army and a marine is a marine, but this says it good)
Take a man and put him alone,
Put him twelve thousand miles from home.
Empty his heart of all but blood,
Make him live in sand, in mud.
This is the life I have to live,
This the soul to God I give.
You have your parties and drink your beer,
While young men are dying over here.
Plant your signs on the White House lawn;
"Lets get out of Iraq".
Use your signs and have your fun,
Then refuse to use a gun.
There's nothing else for you to do,
Then I'm supposed to die for you?
There is one thing that you should know;
And that's where I think you should go!
I'm already here and it's too late.
I've traded all my love for all this hate.
I'll hate you till the day I die.
You made me hear my buddy cry.
I saw his leg and his blood shed,
Then I heard them say, "This one's dead".
It was a large price for him to pay,
To let you live another day.
He had the guts to fight and die,
To keep the freedom you live by.
By his dying, your life he buys,
But who gives a FUCK if a Soldier dies