Emma Lou Who profile picture

Emma Lou Who


About Me

True story:
If I were a candy, I would be a jellybean... Because jellybeans are neat! :D

My dreams:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is open minded and is willing to put themselves out there to save another living thing. Anyone who speaks for the ones who have no voice and lives their life with a heart of green.

Let me know who you are:


I'll listen to anything that sounds good. I like and appreciate all types of music from country to rock and everything in between. :]


Anything that will give me a good laugh, a good cry, or at least a good date.


I don't watch too much of that these days, it's mostly music for me.


Not much time to read these days, my life is filled with classes and homework... And of course I have to get some video gaming and some friends somewhere in there too.


Tyra Banks.
Her 'So What?!' campaign is just what women need to show them they can love and embrace themselve for who they are no matter what society says about what they 'should' look like.

*I don't look like the girls in the magazines!!
*I have small boobs!!
*I am short!!!
*I drink Coke and eat all the time!!
*I have freckles!!!
*I make mistakes!!
*I'm not perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My Blog

Lol to my history teacher!

So my history teacher walks into class today with an ipod and some speakers and proceeds to blast some blues.  As the class starts he begins to write the terms on the board we need to know...&nbs...
Posted by Emma Lou Who on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 09:12:00 PST

Just a poem I had to write for class.

Grandfather   As she placed her paint brush against the cold, dead canvas her heart began to awaken as it always did.  She couldn't help letting her whole self fall into each brush str...
Posted by Emma Lou Who on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 05:44:00 PST

About the whole ’cell phone’ thing.

Today I went to AT&T to see what I could do about the whole 'cell phone' thing.  Yep, they are sending me a brand new cell phone for free in about 5 days.  Yay for warranty!!!  For ...
Posted by Emma Lou Who on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 12:34:00 PST

It’s ture...

My computer hates Charlotte. Yep. Every time she touches my computer we lose internet. :P STOP TOUCHING MY COMPUTER CHARLOTTE!!!!
Posted by Emma Lou Who on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:18:00 PST

I sanded myself again in Sculpture...

And I'm thinking I should stop doing that because it kinda hurts. :/ Ouch.
Posted by Emma Lou Who on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 06:22:00 PST

Schedule for Spring 08!!

Monday:-Photography I [10:00am - 11:50am]-Museum Seminar [5:30pm - 8:15pm]Tuesday:-Graphic Design [2:00pm - 4:45pm]Wednesday:-Photography I [10:00am - 11:50am]Thursday:-Graphic Design [2:00pm - 4...
Posted by Emma Lou Who on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:58:00 PST

Another life lesson learned in Sculpture...

-When you are sanding on the big sanding machine in the wood shop... Don't let the wood pop from under your hands or you will sand the tip of your finger off.Yep. Now I know....
Posted by Emma Lou Who on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 04:26:00 PST

A poem I had to write for class.

The Wooden Bench She walked along the path she followed most every day for the last year and a half. Somehow now the path was different; even the skittish cats that called the pathway home seemed...
Posted by Emma Lou Who on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 12:22:00 PST

Life Lessons.

Just a few life lessons I have learned over the past few days: -When given 2 projects at the same time in a class ask which one is due first... Because if you don't you will be in the Annex from 3:3...
Posted by Emma Lou Who on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 06:10:00 PST

Do you remember?

Please take a moment and leave one amazing memory that you and I have had together. Don't send a message, leave a comment on here to share with eveyone else. Next, re-post this in your blog and see h...
Posted by Emma Lou Who on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 10:59:00 PST