I don't know. I don't give out my AIM/MSN address lightly. 1) You have to spell like a fucking human. If you use "u", "ur", "b4", "luv" or any kind of chatspeak, I won't talk to you. 2) Know that I probably don't like you. In fact, chances are I'll ignore you.
My music taste is odd. I like whatever music gives me that certain "feeling". I probably don't like your music, because I don't care much for rap and punk, or whatever the fuck is popular at the moment.
Lord of the Rings, Spirited Away, the Mummy 1+2, Jules et Jim, Das Experiment, C.R.A.Z.Y, House of Flying Daggers, Hero
I don't watch TV.
The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, manga, Yoko Tsuno comics, A Series of Unfortunate Events, l'Étranger.
Albert Camus.