poetry of drewdles profile picture

poetry of drewdles

About Me

Drew Taylor is a multi-faceted theatre artist
but this is the home of drewidpoetry... so there's no need for all a that... now...
Drew's poetry work isn't really technically always Drew... he can't help but retain all that theatrical training, and believes that poetry can be just as affecting, if not more so than a monologue... so utilises many theatrical techniques when delivering... see here... markus makavellian: So you think you're the man now...
other poetic characters crop up too... but the stuff on the player, and on the blog is Drew as Drew, not Drew as You, or Drew as Markus, or Drew as Jim, or Drew as Malotta Vergeenia... it's just Drew, that he Drew from Drew, not you...
got it?
2008 was pretty awesome for Drew, performing at Latitude festival with some greats (thanks Luke!!!), with Tim Clare and Jude Simpson in Norwich and working with Apples and Snakes... as well as performing regularly in Scotland and bothering all of them lot with his stuff far too often...
Drew is Suffolk bred and is returning there a lot more in the new year, be warned East Anglia.
No more stuff about poetry? ooohh
he loves it
(although tries to run away from it, usually to the other side of the house, but that's never for long)
So now here's the time for "all a that"
He has directed a wonderfully reviewed show at the Arches in October with Glasgay Productions click here for review. He's performed with London-based live-artist Sarah-Jane Grimshaw in Glasgow and in Manchester and is the co-founder of new Scottish based theatre collective proudexposure He also does some marketing and promotions stuff, working prestigious companies like Underbelly and Assembly Theatre.
He's written to date, lots of poems, and lots of plays... please email him at [email protected] if you want more info about anything he does. He does acting (trained at the RSAMD - DAHLING)... so if you're desperate for a gangly six-foot-five boy with no chin, he's your man...
He greatly misses his hamster Penelope, still, after a whole year of her being dead, he likes collages of art postcards, camp glittery eye-make-up, combining theatrical talents, making soups, bread and cookies, designing christmas gift tags and refurbishing old chandeliers I created my layout at KillerKiwi.net

My Interests


Member Since: 03/10/2007
Band Members: just me and whoever I want to be
Influences: tony kushner, taylor mac, bill hicks, needcompany, olof dreijer and karin dreijer andersson, dockers MC, ani difranco, HBO def poetry jammers like: bassey ikpe, rives and beau sia, douglas coupland, chris hicks, pierre et giles, evil the cat, luke wright, wes anderson, stephen adley guirgis, theTEAM, tim clare, john cameron mitchell, vice magazine, bret easton ellis, kevin smith and the marvel universe
Sounds Like: a bloke talking, sometimes in odd accents...
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

the come-back number 1

This is a little something to help with the come-back... poetry fucking rulesThis isTHE MOMENT OF ANTICIPATIONI imagine the rubber I imagine the latex The tightness of the chest The lubrication, t...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 08:48:00 GMT

its been a while... dummy

to the two of you that read this(thank sparkle)just want to sayEverytime we say goodbyeI cry a littleEverytime we say goodbyeI die a littlewell a lotdepending on how long you're away forand if you do ...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 10:52:00 GMT

mah jour kah

i’m off to majorcaand i think i ought to saythat despite most things going my wayat the momentmy bowel still is notsee yous in a week or socome to licence pending on the 12th!!!xxxxx
Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 00:44:00 GMT

it’s early but that’s good

i fucking love seeing lesbos kissanyone reallyjust miss you babyit's been a long dayi'm just showing you the easiest wayto show you i think you're the shitit's not just lesbiansanyone who thinks you h...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 00:24:00 GMT


i'll be your naughty girli'm telling all the girlsi haven't done this in a long whileactually feel kinda impotentso am now in london, after having performed in norwich at the arts centrereally enjoyin...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 13:36:00 GMT

oh dear...

s o i h a v e n o t h i n g o f i n t e r e s t t o s a y so i'm writing it in a clever way
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 20:09:00 GMT

bowel/cultural differences/movements (delete as appropriate)

so I blame my motherfor many more things than i can mention on herenamely naming me drewdlepopsmacdoodledanglersyes that's drewdle pops mac doodle danglers....this is a genuine name she used to use wh...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 14:54:00 GMT

fucking facebook

shadows and echoessemblance of shit i just don't want to think about againsocial networking causing pretty antisocial thoughtsactuallyi hate facebookmakes me feel so much more southern english and mi...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 06:34:00 GMT

blank, this means nothing....

so i'm really really bad and didn't blog for two days running, shocking i know...i'm currently being watched by the gayest dog everall creativity is lostcar adverts don't make any sensewife swap is a ...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 09:55:00 GMT

muscular spasm

yeah i wish i could do it to myselfyeah i did it at work today in the toilet with the waft of shit filtering throughyeah it pisses me off when you spend ages and it just doesn't comeyeah this is total...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 15:29:00 GMT