Whatever anyone is down for im there.. i have a lot that interests which keeps me pretty busy in my life.. . I love to go Mountain Biking, we've been goin up to long beach or around here hitting up some nice trails.. Paintballen is always fun and full of adrenalyn when i can afford it. trying to take up surfen for i will be in hawaii soon.. DIrt bike riding is the shit, makes me want a street bike now which is in the process.. my car is my baby for now, just hooked her up with a COld Air Intake SYsytem (AEM) sounds NICE!!i PLay all SPorts SO never think im not down to take u ON! Other then that if u want me to be interested in YoU, just leave me a MEssaGE or IM mE AK12ADi5.. Partys are my way of relaxin from all i do.. anyoNE want to JOIN!?
ANyone that is as DOWN as i AM.. Lets DO this! .........Osiris0005: I live in the suburbs but I obtained that street knowledge / communicate cleaver in my words, a quick step outside of college, for better or for worse / but just for the moment, I learned what it takes in all business, started small but yea now I own it, it's a cray world / can ruin in an instant, sex, drugs and girls, can't overpower my goals I inflicted, it's still endured / can't mix work with pleaure, I get lured, but my goals stick, from me being pure / Ak12ADi5: its all ligit, my friend from the heart it is truly spit, well put for all those who dont acknoledge it, but we created it, the steps we take, the falls we break, in time our steps will generate.. never for anyone to imitate, cause we are the great, not to be takin lightly, never miss not even slightly, ull see us very clear and brightly, if u dont like it then bite me
i LOve all types of MuSic, I myself play guitar, have been playen for about 5 years goin now, Been in A band with some close friends through highschool, but it came to bigger things to worry about.. I love playen drums, so i need to invest in a good set.. other then that im always down to go to shows, clubs, salsa bar, shit im always down.. just let me know..
CLockWOrk ORange, Traffic, Friday, Requiem for a dream, BLOW, fear and loathing in LAs Vegas, swordfish, Oceans 11,12, Scarface, kill bill 1,2.. the list could go on and on...........