extreme & new:
photos from Rostock (== flickr.com)
videos from the JAZ (== youtube.com)
neuer post-recording pre-master Mix: Confusione (oben)
about Robotron & LGB:
Robotron deflect their musical skills through a prism of old skool Zerstörungswut, and a self-made Theremin. Their slogan we are not weird was ultimately proven wrong, when they created a lottery for a cheese sandwich, prepared by themselves on stage during the show. Inside that sandwich was a crowd of tiny gibbons, covered in electro-punk chili-sauce, having a food fight. With an übelsten German accent, never before has the line fuck on the grass been delivered as casual!
The Lemma Glamour Band combines a much to clean electronic drum sound with 2 distorted bass guitars. The band steps with one boot each on the feet of electro and of punk. They never fail to distress with their fancy talk about Freud, Canetti, and Goethe, and their stunningly intelligent songs! If it’s wooden like a tie, more outrageous than a seminar at your local university, and lower than Bukowski’s underpants, you know it’s the legendary Lemma Glamour Band in town!
Split-Tape MC OUT NOW! 100% elektropunk
=== read more & order ===fuck on the grass - live in nbi, berlin
lets do music - live at the mayday parade, berlin