I know who Id like to meet again.
oh, and Juliette Lewis.
Someday I will...
Someday, I will make someone happy. We will be inseperable.
We will be puzzle pieces. We will be different, but our "differences will make us the same".
We will be in love. Not the kind that crumbles, not the kind that fades. That kind of love where you know it'll last forever. We will have the most beautiful wedding. We will be perfectly content in knowing that all we need for the rest of our lives is eachother. We will hold eachother in the rain. We will dance in the rain. We will kiss in the rain. We will laugh in the rain. We will laugh at the same stupid things. We will laugh at eachother. We will laugh with eachother. We will be the couple you see walking down the street. 70 years old, and we will still have that sparkle in our eyes for eachother. We will cuddle until we're stiff. He will watch chick flicks with me, and I will try and enjoy whatever his little heart desires. I will want to make him happy. I will want to hear "I love you". I will want to tell him I love him every second of every minute. I will want to wake up in his arms every morning. I will want to have the most random conversations with him. I will want to talk about my childhood with him. I will want to hear all of his deepest secrets. I will want to know every inch of him. I will never try to change him, and he will never try to change me. We will go grocery shopping together, and he'll make silly faces at my selections, and I'll do the same to him. We will fight, we will yell... Then we will kiss and make up, and be even stronger than we were before. He'll kiss my nose, and I'll kiss his eyelids. He'll sing me to sleep if I ask, and I wont mind if he cant sing to save his life. Just knowing that hes there for me, and that he loves me for who I am will be enough for my world to keep turning. He will kiss my hand, and tell me I am the only one he could ever ask for. He'll call me lovely, and beautiful, and never put me down. He wont make fun of the fact that I still sleep with my baby blanket, and that I have some very guilty pleasures. He'll be mine, and i'll be his. We'll fit together so perfectly, and leave a little room to grow even closer. He'll be my missing piece. We'll watch the stars, and finish eachothers sentences. We'll have cute little songs that remind us of eachother. We'll know exactly what eachother are thinking. We'll have long silences, and just look at eachother, and wonder..."how could I be so lucky?"
I want that.
maybe I have it.
maybe I dont.
someday, I will.
and I wont ever let him go.
Dear God,
Please bring me my puzzle piece.