[&&lets kick start this love affair.]
I'm tired of trying to make this entertaining.
I'm jamal.
I like my name.
I'd say I'm sorry if you don't[but I'm really not].
so sorry for that because it was a tad mean.
moving on.
I'm a cheerleader.
this layout is plain.
so what.
I make the layout - it doesn't make me.
but little things don't really bother me.
I'm a christian despite what people say.
I love God.
I like organized messes.
alot of the pictures I take are sideways .
the only letters I capitalize are I and G[for God].
I really don't mind that this whole site is not proportional.
I am me.
nothing more.
nothing less.
I consider myself a well rounded person.
I'm great to be around - or so they say.
I laugh a lot[maybe way too much].
I'm very outgoing.
sometimes I think my personality should be outside[ha].
I probably have carpel tunnel syndrome from texting.
shea means the world to me.
that's how it is.
my comments are for me to read.
my friends know who they are.
welcome to the deuce club.