I used to be an acrobat (seriously), I have taken Capoeira and Kung Fu (tho mastered neither). I like weapons and I think everyone should have at least one (I prefer the bladed yo-yo). I like video games and waste many days of my life on them. I used to have a crush on Link, but now I have a crush on Cloud from FFVII as well as various anime characters like Icihgo from Bleach. I'm a damn good cook, and have taken over my mother and grandmother. I have had my hair red, purple, pink, blue, and green. I like piercings and tattoos to an extent, I used to have more piercings until my skin rejected them. I used to have green eyes. I don't like real fur. I used to be a vegetarian until I remembered how good ribs and pepperoni are. But just because I eat meat now doesn't mean I don't like animals. I have and still will call the ASPCA on your ass (if I don't murder you myself) for hurting an animal. Though I hate vegans ("bees are people too!" BARF!) I don't believe in being politically correct. I think people who get offended very easily are weak (go ahead call me a big-nosed rat-eating, cow-worshiping dot-head; promise I won't cry). I think celebrities are idiots--especially scientologists. I really can't stand stereotypes, hippies/extreme lefts, religious fundamentalists, and extreme rights. There's a fine line between both extreme ends, sometimes you become so extreme you're just like the thing you rebel against.
"Hindi" is not a religion. "Indian" and "Hindu" are not languages. Get it right jackballs!
On a side note I heard this just the other day:
"This business [fashion/modeling] is about brainwashing people into making them think it's fabulous"
-Tyra Banks
That's right, she even admits it! YOU ARE ALL PAWNS! So stop carrying your stupid dog in a $6,000 handbag and stop wearing those awful pointy, horse-back riding shoes. We all know you don't actually like them!