My name is H.S. Macklaye, an aspiring Horror-Fiction writer from Quebec, Canada. I call my style "Splatter-Goth," which is a style of HF (soon to be a genre proper?) focusing on Gore, Morbidity, Spirituality, and Extreme Sexuality. (See the Disclaimer in the blog-spot)
In addition to this I also write poetry, and am interested in Science-Fiction as well, however, I have not, as yet, satisfactorily deluded myself into thinking that I am capable of writing good SF. I'm not really sure if I'm much good at writing anything, although it is an idea well worth experimenting with.
As of now I am merely "aspiring," but hope to soon publish my first book, which was completed in February '07, and is written under an undisclosed pseudonym.
This site will be updated and modified occasionally, as it is yet under construction.
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