Ebb.... ---Another day of learning -
--one of life’s true reflections -
--I feel the tension Ebb away....... ---Reflecting in others -
--I see my own self problems -
--Like a tree on the river of life reflecting….-
--..the Sun still shines brightly in the hearts of the masses-
---The lessons there for me to-
--Look to the Great and Successful-
--Be responsible for my actions-
--Value my gifts and choices.---Love the timing in the rhythm that you’ve chosen-“Asafo Gyata†Nov/Dec ‘98-------------------------------------------------------
--In 2007, six talented musicians came together with a common goal: to celebrate live music that is rich and vibrates with passion, and to bring high-quality, energising, multi-cultural performances to communities globally. Inspired by their love of music, and infused with a zest for dance and life, they named themselves Nubian Sunshine. These musicians boast decades worth of music-making experience between them, each having previously played for successful bands. The six members come from different parts of the world, each interjecting their own unique style and cultural tradition into the music, and it is this rich blend of cultures that gives Nubian Sunshine its distinct and fresh sound. Using a simple combination of bass, guitar, keyboards, percussion Spoken word and song, the band embraces an eclectic range of styles: African/Caribbean-influenced musical styles are fused with contemporary elements from jazz, funk, rap, and reggae, amongst others. Their songs tell the story of struggle and of the spirits that soar out of struggling. Their shows celebrate their multi-racial, multicultural experience of the world. Nubian Sunshine’s vibrant performances defy categorisation.
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..........This is a docu-video of Asafo's journey to East Afrika 2004...... Taxed in East Afrika
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