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I'm still usually listening to NPR broadcasts and news podcasts. My iPod is fun, and I got a new cable for it, but I still listen to NPR more. I've started using iLike on Facebook to list my favorite music (about 80% from the 80s), but there's no RSS feed for that yet, so email me for a URL to see it there.Here's my attempt to create a public playlist. Have fun with it!
Blade Runner, The Shining, anything about the end of the earth or pandemics threatening us, like "The Day After," etc. Recently: Babel, Children of Men, A Scanner Darkly...Now I've joined NetFlix. Check out what I've got coming next... Get this widget!You can also see what I've already gotten from them, have now, or have in transit .
I really loved that old series V, about the lizard aliens. I grew up with your typical '80s after-school reruns of Three's Company, Facts of Life, Scooby Doo, Wonder Woman, Inspector Gadget, and prime-time Knight Rider, Family Ties, Moonlighting, etc. Now: I listen to NPR, not so much TV. Usually it's talking heads (Meet the Press and VPT's weekly show) when I do, but even that is only a few times a year. I don't get cable. If I did, and if I were the type to sit in front of the TV, I'd watch cooking shows, Daily Show, Colbert Report, South Park, etc. OK, I guess have to admit here that when I'm in a hotel, I have CNN or other cable news on 24/7, but that's not too often.For newish stuff, I like Firefly and watched the whole series (plus Serenity) on DVD several times. Also borrowed some West Wing DVDs, but couldn't get to them all--maybe someday I'll try again. I've got some '24,' 'Weeds,' 'Numb3rs' episodes on my NetFlix queue, because I think I'll enjoy these shows. I've also got some episodes of my old favorite, 'Remington Steele,' on the list because Pierce Brosnan is so hot.
Candide is my favorite cheer-me-up tale. I love anything by the great Russian story-tellers or by Milan Kundera, Hunter S. Thompson, William Gisbon, Neal Stephenson, Robert Heinlein, Philip K. Dick, and a few more. For fun, I like Bond, Le Carre, et al, or "anything about the end of the earth or pandemics threatening it" (as in the movie section, above). Most recently read in the "end of the world" genre: The Demon in the Freezer (non-fiction) by Richard Preston and Alas, Babylon (cold-war fiction). Both were great.
Ben Franklin, Nancy Drew