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The C.B.N.O.

About Me

"There are no members and you can not join"

The planet earth has over 6 billion people living on it and over 96% of them follow some form of religious faith or hold the belief that some kind of spiritual creator or higher beginning exists. From pagans to christians, islamises and jews or new-age’ers to satanists, all and every faith based organization is built on fear. Designed to oppress and usually leading to war, the religions of the earth have nothing to do with the reality of why the earth is here in the first place. Religious belief is also based on the ego of the individuals desire to remain immortal and the fear of their own death. The C.B.N.O. are not in that 96%Government Randomly selected members of the C.B.N.O. govern the State. The selection takes paces every four years, on the 4th month of the 4th day, between the hours of, 4:44pm to 4:44am. The C.B.N.O. ‘444 the number of the beat’. The C.B.N.O. government is divided in to four senates; there are 111 members in each senate, making 444 in total. There are 400 in going and 400 out going members every 4 years. The other 44 members are made up from past random selections; they are voted for at the same time by all members of the C.B.N.O., voting is mandatory. All debate is open to all members but the state controls every thing and nothing is open to debate. All members are trained for random selection from the age of 14 but will not face selection until after the 24th birth date. The state has four rules that it abides by, each senate is a defender of a rule and these rules are never broken.

”Senate rule one; every thing is equal””Senate rule two; you are alive””Senate rule three; death is inevitable””Senate rule four; there is no rule four”

C.B.N.O. core Each senate elects 11 members, those 44 members elect 16 members and those 16 members elect 4 members, these four are ‘The C.B.N.O. core’. The C.B.N.O. core is the highest position a member of the C.B.N.O. can hold. The four core members make all the finale rulings for the entire C.B.N.O. but any ruling by the core, must be made with all four C.B.N.O. core members in agreement. The remaining 40 members act as the C.B.N.O. core office.Senate Order C.B.N.O. member’s select and Zealots Council ¼ gatherings On the ¼ of every year the C.B.N.O. members gather in the senate buildings amphitheatre for a daylong public meeting for C.B.N.O. general debate. This is also the time when member selects can put forwarded monitions to the C.B.N.O. senates. For a motion to pass all four senates must agree, each senate must have a majority agreement before that senate can cast its vote.
The following day
On the ¼ year a day after the C.B.N.O. members gathered, the Zealots council gather at the same place in the senate buildings amphitheatre. This gathering is 2 days long and is also open to all C.B.N.O. members. Again, the meeting is for general debate. Zealots can put forwarded motions to the Zealots council, voting is the same as the C.B.N.O. members select gathering. As well as voting on Zealots motions the Zealots council also vote on all the motions passed in the C.B.N.O. members select gathering.
Two days later
Both the C.B.N.O. members select and the Zealots council gather on the forth day of every ¼ of the year to have a finale vote on all the motions passed in both the C.B.N.O. members select and the Zealots council gatherings.
The four C.B.N.O. core members
During each of the 4-day gatherings, any debates that can’t be settled or tied votes, then the 4 core members of the C.B.N.O. senate must unanimously agree a result The four Zealots private secretaries to the C.B.N.O. core members The four ZPS’s to the C.B.N.O. core members chair the four-day gathering, one ZPS for each day.
Staffing of the senates The four senates are housed in four 14-story buildings. The senate buildings form four equal points on a circle and over look the C.B.N.O. amphitheatre, the focus for C.B.N.O. state affairs, major debates and parades as well as C.B.N.O. artistic events. Each building houses a staff of 1222 members made up of 111 members select and 1111 Zealots. C.B.N.O. staffing and organization of a senate building;
Top floor C.B.N.O. core member’s private office. The core member lives and works from the top floor and never leave until the term of office is complete. The top floor is huge with large apartments, office and conferences rooms and roof gardens. The top floors of all four senate buildings connect by four bridges that meet in the middle 14 storeys above the ground. The C.B.N.O. core member is not isolated and has many visitors. The 13th floor organizes all meetings and visits.
13th floor Zealots private secretary (ZPS) to the C.B.N.O. core member. The Zealot elected to the 13th floor is the private secretary for the core member whose duties include; leaving the building to act on behalf of the core member on state events and acting as the C.B.N.O. senate buildings spokes member. There are also 10 member selects on the 13th floor. One is the private secretary to the ZPS responsible for the diaries of both the C.B.N.O. core member and the ZPS. The other 9 member selects are the heads of the next nine floors below.
Zealots Zealots are made up from all the members who; have not or cannot be randomly selected to the state senates, who feel “they have something more to offer” the State. Zealots must be elected to the ‘Zealots Council’; the council is made up of 4444 Zealots. Zealot Council elections take places at the same time as the C.B.N.O. random selections and 44 elections to the 4 C.B.N.O. senates. Zealots must be nominated by at least 4 C.B.N.O. members who are not in the any of the 4 C.B.N.O. senates or the Zealots council.The Fatale A member born on the 4th year of the 4th month of the 4th day at 4:44pm or 4:44am, is Fatale Members born on the 4th year of the 4th month of the 4th day between 4:44pm to 4:44am, are considered Fatale When members are born on the 4th month of the 4th day at 4:44pm or 4:44am, that’s considerably Fatale If a member is born on the 4th month of the 4th day between 4:44pm to 4:44am, Fatality is considered There are two other factions, those born on the 4th year on the 4th month of the 4th day and those born on the 4th month of the 4th day; these are ‘The Outside’ FataleThe Zealots De-Rangers The volunteer military wing of the Zealots are a division of The C.B.N.O. Army a wing of ‘senate rule three’ and controlled by ‘the department for the armed forces’The Black Guard The regular C.B.N.O. military, a wing of ‘senate rule three’ and controlled by ‘the department for the armed forces’ The Black guard are the first corps of the C.B.N.O. Army

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Member Since: 02/10/2007
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Record Label: C.B.N.O. sounds
Type of Label: Indie

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