Rafael Soffer nació en Montevideo, Uruguay en 1974. A principios de los 90, comenzó su carrera profesional componiendo y produciendo temas para diferentes cantantes y grupos musicales. Desde 1992 hasta hoy en dia, produjo bandas sonoras y jingles para television y radio, primeramente en Uruguay ( ganando 2 Campanas de Oro, premios publicitarios que le fueron otorgados en Uruguay), y seguidamente en bandas sonoras para la compañÃa "Universal" y "Jerry Bruckheimer", asi como en distintos proyectos publicitarios destinados a los mercados de Alemania, Israel, Rusia y mas recientemente a España y Francia. En 2002 Rafael emigr? a Israel, en donde abri? "Singles Recording Studios" en sociedad con Boaz Tamir, una productora multimedia focalizada en la post-produccion sonora de peliculas, producci?n y composici?n de musica original para cantantes profesionales y distintas agrupaciones art?sticas . En 2004, Rafael se integra al staff de agrupaci?n artistica "The Aluminum Show" como productor y compositor de musica original . Actualmente, dicha agrupaci?n goza de prestigio internacional, habiendose presentado en varios pa?ses de Europa (Francia, Holanda Portugal , Espa?a y Grecia entre otros) , asi como en Estados Unidos, Argentina, China, Nigeria, etc.
Biography(by Baruch Friedland)
Rafael Soffer was born in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1974.
,"At the beginning of the 90s he began his professional career, composing and producing songs for different singers and musical groups. Since 1992, he produced many bands, soundtracks, Jingles and commercials for television and radio, first in Uruguay (winning 2 Golden Bells, advertising awards which were given in Uruguay), and then on soundtracks for Universal and Jerry Bruckheimer, as well as in various projects for advertising companies for Germany, Israel, Russia and most recently, Spain and France. In 2002, Rafael immigrated to Israel, where he opened with Boaz Tamir Singles Rocording Studios a multimedia production company focused on post-production and production eand composition of original music for professional singers and various artistic groups and bands. Since 2004, Rafael started to compose and produce the original music for The Aluminum Show integrating their artistic materials.
At the beginning of the 90's he began his professional
career, composing and producing songs for different
singers and musical groups.
Since 1992, he produced many bands, soundtracks,
Jingles and commercials, for television and radio,
first in Uruguay (winning 2 Golden Bells, advertising
awards which were given in Uruguay), and then on
soundtracks for "Universal" and "Jerry Bruckheimer",
as well as in various projects for advertising companies
for Germany, Israel, Russia and most recently,
Spain and France.
In 2002, Rafael immigrated to Israel, where he opened
with Boaz Tamir "Singles Recording Studios" , a
multimedia production company focused on
post-production and production and composition
of original music for professional singers
and various artistic groups and bands.
Since 2004, Rafael started to compose
and produce the original music for
"The Aluminum Show" , integratingtheir artistic materials.
Currently, the group enjoys international prestige,
having been introduced in several European
countries (France, Netherlands Portugal , Spain
and Greece among others) as well as in United States,
Argentina , China, Nigeria, and so on.
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