♥SiLLy OnE♥YoUr My EvErYthiNg 2-17 profile picture

♥SiLLy OnE♥YoUr My EvErYthiNg 2-17

♥..AnD wHeN yOu FiNaLLy ReALiZe HoW aMaZiNg ShE rEaLLy iS sHe'LL bE sTaNdiNg NeXt To ThE gUy

About Me

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My Interests

love hot guys. love to laugh. love to party. love to go to city limts. and LOVE to LOVELOVE QUOTES =D When the chance comes to love..dont ever let it go..because the hardest thing to do is watch the one you love..loving someone else..love is like a butterfly..hold it too tight..and it will crush..hold it too loose..and it will fly away..So, when you find someone..that wil kiss your forehead..hold hands with you..infront of their friends..who will stay awake..just to watch you sleep..tell you that you look beautiful..when you've just woken up..who will want to show you off to the whole world..even when you have no makeup on..you must..love them back..Cherish every moment..and never let them go..because life is too short..So,kiss slowly..laugh insanely..love truely..and forgive quickly..as we grow older..we learn that even theo ne person that was never meant to let us down..probably will..think about it..everything happens for a reason..you will have your heart broken..probably more than once..and it gets harder everytime..you'll break hearts too..so remember how it felt when yours was broken..you'll blame a new love for things the old one did..you'll cry because time is passing too fast..and you'll eventually loose someone you love..so take too many pictures..laugh too much..and love as though you've never been hurt..because..for every sixty seconds you spend upset..is another minute of happiness you'll never get back..we are..each of us angels with only one wing..and we can only fly..by embracing one another..with love and patience..nothing is impossible..so love without fear..trust without restrictions..accept without change..describe without inhabitions..for a love is so free..will never fly away.

I'd like to meet:

My OnE aNd OnLy!!!!!!! .. ..


hip-hop//rapPage Cursors @ JellyMuffin.com


StEp Up!,Stick it!,the notebook!


best show ever: OnE tReE hIlL...




my mom--my sister