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...WHaTS uP eVeRYBoDY...MY NaMe iS MaRa, N SoMe PeePS KNoW MeeH aS MaRaRa, Pua-KiNi, BaBe, CRaCKa PeaNuT, HeLLo KiTTY...iTS aLL GooD...BoRN N RaiSeD oN Da iSLaND oF MoLoKa..i...2002 MHiS GRaD...SiMPLe KiNe oF GuRL...i aM Da oNLee GuRLie iN Mai ..oHaNa...GoT 4 BRoTHeRS N i LuV uM To DeaTH...No TaKe MuCH To PuT a SMiYo oN Mai FaCe...iF u LyKe KNoW aNYTHiNG eLSe, No SHaMe...You are a Career Girl!
You may not be a CEO yet, but you're well on your way to success.
You take your career seriously, and you wouldn't stop working for any guy!
An independent woman, you pay for your own car, clothes, and housing.
And men appreciate that - at least, the ones as driven as you are. What Kind of Girl Are You?
Your Love Style is Eros
For you, love is all about the passion!
And chances are, you're currently in love.
You have a strong physical response to love...
And you are great at committing
(As long as the person makes your toes curl!) What's Your Love Style?