†I'm Josh.
†I'm engaged to an amazing woman.
†I grew up in Los Lunas, New Mexico and now reside in Lincoln, Nebraska
†I love working out and do so everyday.
†I am mature.
†I'm a certified third degree black belt in karate.
†I have set many goals for myself and failure is not an option.
†I'm not your average person and for that I'm proud.
†Horror is my religion.
†I enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
†I drive a 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix.
†I play basketball.
†I love the Nebraska Cornhuskers, Phoenix Suns and Arizona Cardinals.
†I love playing video games.
†I have morals and I uphold them.
†I very much enjoy reading horror graphic novels.
†I'm a vegetarian.
†I'm an avid collector of horror memorabilia.
†I love paranormal phenomena.
†I am proud of who I am, what I do and who I will become.