This is how great God is...The universe is so big. The Milky Way Galaxy is just one of the millions of other Galaxies out there. Think about that. Thats HUGE! Our God is a STAR BREATHING, UNIVERSE MAKING God and yet HE is still involved in EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE. Have you ever taken the time to look at our universe? The planets and stars are unreal. WOW! With todays technology you can see some amazing and fantabulous things. It would seriously take more imagination to believe that I evolved from some stupid monkey than to believe that I was created for a purpose.
I can't wait to meet Jesus. I would have never imagined someone that I can't even see could love me so much. I honestly don't know how I went 25yrs without knowing him. It's not about religion and a list of things and prayers you have to say and do. It's about an intimate relationship with a Daddy who is so loving and merciful that he would do anything for little ole me.
I listen to mostly christian music. If you ever read the lyrics to some of the secular stuff you have been singing and polluting your mind with, you would probably listen to only christian music too. (That is if you still have a conscience). Take bohemiem rapsopody by Queen. You know the song that says "we are the campions" the song that plays during every single sporting event. Did you know its a song worshiping allah? Read the lyrics. It will make you want to throw up. All these people portraying themselves as a christian nation and yet worshiping and sing praises to allah the moslem god. This nation is so corrupt and the people living in it are so blind to the truth.
I love movies with a happy ending.
I watch CNN, House, The biggest Loser, Standing Still, Monk, Law and Order, Top Chef, the food network, Monk and the list goes on and on. I love lifetime movies but then again who doesn't:)
Da Bible, Cooking and baking books, lots of food magizines, and sum educational....depends
Jesus Christ my LORD and SAVIOR. He was beaten, mocked and Crucified. He shed his blood and died so that I could be saved. I don't know any other man who would even consider doing that.