Aqua8 productions profile picture

Aqua8 productions

About Me

Spring 2008. Lennard Vaatstra hears Caro's spectacular voice for the first time and is blown away. She inspires him to write their first song Memories. Haunting, tortured and breathtaking.
Ealeon is born. Determined to conquer the world.

Memories: music & lyrics Lennard Vaatstra (2009)

Produced, mixed and mastered at Aqua8 productions

If you like this track... please support us by buying and promoting it. If enough people buy this single, It will allow us to record an entire album. Studio time is expensive and this is our only way to raise a budged.
So help us out and we will record all those new compositions witch are just gathering dust now.
I promise you, you ain't heard nothing yet!

you can download the track "memories" at:





My Interests


Member Since: 02/10/2007
Band Website:
Record Label: aqua8 productions
Type of Label: Indie

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