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The man who wants nothing is invincible.

About Me

"The belief that sitting down and talking will insure mutual understanding and solve problems is based on the assumption that we say what we mean and what we say will be understood as we mean it."
Life is a game. Not a competition, but an expirament.
"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think of, say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude, I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you, we are in charge of our Attitudes." -Charles Swindoll
This is me, and this is my life. There is not a lot to say, so enjoy your look around...
Check out my blog at
So about me: I like the sun. being able to play outside. being with people who you can have an intellectual conversation with. finishing a conversation, even if it is really about nothing important. taking time to get to know someone. enjoying life for what it is, even if it isn't what you want it to be. I like to go somewhere just to go somewhere. to take time off for the sake of being alone. or taking time off to be with people. I like running and feeling tired because there is some reward somewhere for it. for rewarding yourself even though you don't deserve anything. for staying up late to be rebellious in your own little way. even though you need to get up early. i like not capitalizing things because I don't want to backspace and fix it. i like things being imperfect even if it is so that I know that I am not the only imperfect thing. I like listening to music that just sounds good. or listening to music that doesn't sound great but you can sing to it at the top of your lungs. I like music that you listened to in Jr high and high school because it makes you feel foolish and young again. I like driving fast because you know you are wasting gas. because you are again being rebellious in you own little way. because it is what the cool kids do and you want to be cool. i like not knowing what tomorrow will be like. but knowing that it won't be like today. and it is moving things forward that will inevitably have to be. I like people who are willing to be themselves and take the crap for it because the rest of the world wants to be like the cool kids. I like the people who want to be like the cool kids because they have never been shown who they should be themselves. I like people. i like people who like the same things as me. I like people who like different things than me to show me how different people and things can be. I like taking pictures that freeze the world in a fraction of a second, a section of time with a visual to go along with it. I like movies that freeze an emotion in your mind of something bigger than yourself. I like music that freezes a sentence or tune inside your head that entertains yourself for hours on end. all because of one line of a song. I like things that you can count on happening. I like things that are sporadic and unpredictable. I like long letters and notes that mean something deeper than the usual hum drum of life. people who are willing to lay it all out for something more than themselves. people who are willing to give when they have gotten so much. people who are willing to give when they have gotten nothing. i respect people who have gotten nothing, but are willing to work for everything they have. i want to be someone who works for everything i have because all I have been given. I want to know what to say when someone asks "about me." I want others around me to be affected by me in a positive way. I want to make my mark on this earth. in the best way possible. in a way that people respect and something else deeper than respect. I want something bigger than myself. I want to like. I want to love. I love to be. I love to be who I am. I love to be a person. who doesn't know anything. actually i don't. but i do love. and i love people. and i love the fact that few people are still reading this. and i love to read into other people because they want to be understood and loved as well. I love being well. and i love that i will be sick or encounter obstacles in life and become stronger from it. I love that feeling after defeating something. I love feeling good after feeling down. I love feeling really good after feeling really down. I love to feel happy because other people are happy. I love life. and finally... I love lamp.

My Interests

And here are a few of the good pictures that I have taken while downtown at night. Please enjoy.

Many things spark my interest, but my life seems to be an interest in athletics. Everything from cycling and track to basketball and all sorts of things like that. But also music and philosophy. What is life all about and how do people show that through music. I've always wanted to voice my life and feelings through the medium of music, but being musically talented is a necessity that i do not posess. Another interest is people, human beings, homo sapiens. Somehow in this world, the only truly unpredictable thing on this planet is humans. That is completely fascinating to me. Even though psychology tries to explain the human mind, you just can't put something that huge into a box that average Joe can understand. The same with God, almost. He is the only being that can understand humans and every single human being on the planet. But also, being the same yesterday, today, and forever; he doesn't feel the need to do the same thing the same way. There is no way to understand how He is going to do something, you can understand what He is going to do in relation to what is happening, but you don't know how. Okay I'm done.

I'd like to meet:

We are all actors on this stage of the life seeking an audience to entertain.


I like most everything, but I have been liking some Lovedrug, along with the new Hoobastank and Angels and Airwaves. Of course the Fray and such with some old-school Blink and Good Charlotte. For a lighter side, some Michael Buble and Coldplay.


"I am insane and you are my insanity." - 12 Monkeys
I watch a lot of movies, but lately they have been sporatic and a lot of heavy drama, I think I'm ready to watch some comedy.


I prefer to spend my time in front of the tube with movies rather than tv shows, too many commercials and no endings.


I prefer flipping through magazines and of course looking at the pictures, lol, but I do have a stack of books that I'm going through. But the ones I want to read are Blue Like Jazz and the one by Mother Theresa. Those sound good.


Superman is a hero.

My Blog


Today. It's now. The present. Not the future. What's the deal, though. What is going on? It seems like now more than ever people are moving up or moving down. Things are changing today. They'l...
Posted by Colin on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 04:53:00 PST


I used to work most on what people thought of me, how they viewed me and their perception of me. Then I worked mostly on what I thought of myself, how I perceived me and who I was. Now I am working on...
Posted by Colin on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 01:21:00 PST

The Rorschach Test of Things...

There was a time when I wanted to become a psychologist, so, naturally, I took a bunch of psych classes until I had figured I scared myself into thinking I had most of the psychological disorders talk...
Posted by Colin on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 04:29:00 PST

The Fight or The Flight

We are told that in conflicts or struggles or whatever, our instinctual cave man reacts in a fight or flight mechanism that turns one way or the other. It is who we are and how we are wired. The fac...
Posted by Colin on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 12:37:00 PST

The life of man.

Here it is, Life. What do you do with it? Are you supposed to? Only questions. We all come into this world. The same way. Nothing special, actually slightly disgusting, yet miraculous. One thin...
Posted by Colin on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 04:04:00 PST

life, The

Here I sit.  The life I lead continuing on as it always has.  I think of what is around me, within me, and without me.  So much in this soup called life mixing and changing like a chemi...
Posted by Colin on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 11:02:00 PST

Not the simple eggs and toast

  I guess I hadn't realized how scared I looked.  I mean, it was only breakfast.  Seriously, how hard could it be?  I stood there like a child before their first roller-coaster rid...
Posted by Colin on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 12:19:00 PST

At D14

  Here I am.  D14.  If you don't know where that is, it's at the end.  The very back.  It's even past D15.  I arrived 3 hours early after running around all night then al...
Posted by Colin on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 12:02:00 PST

how simple.

It all somehow starts with two people.  Nothing serious, just a desire.  There is a longing, something missing on the inside.  It seems so subtle at first, but there is growth.  Th...
Posted by Colin on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 09:46:00 PST

It must be writers' block

  It seems as though my mind has started thinking in blog form.  I have wonderful epiphanies throughout the day that I would love to delve into and expound on due to the random life that I l...
Posted by Colin on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 12:16:00 PST