And here are a few of the good pictures that I have taken while downtown at night. Please enjoy.
Many things spark my interest, but my life seems to be an interest in athletics. Everything from cycling and track to basketball and all sorts of things like that. But also music and philosophy. What is life all about and how do people show that through music. I've always wanted to voice my life and feelings through the medium of music, but being musically talented is a necessity that i do not posess.
Another interest is people, human beings, homo sapiens. Somehow in this world, the only truly unpredictable thing on this planet is humans. That is completely fascinating to me. Even though psychology tries to explain the human mind, you just can't put something that huge into a box that average Joe can understand. The same with God, almost. He is the only being that can understand humans and every single human being on the planet. But also, being the same yesterday, today, and forever; he doesn't feel the need to do the same thing the same way. There is no way to understand how He is going to do something, you can understand what He is going to do in relation to what is happening, but you don't know how. Okay I'm done.
We are all actors on this stage of the life seeking an audience to entertain.
I like most everything, but I have been liking some Lovedrug, along with the new Hoobastank and Angels and Airwaves. Of course the Fray and such with some old-school Blink and Good Charlotte. For a lighter side, some Michael Buble and Coldplay.
"I am insane and you are my insanity." - 12 Monkeys
I watch a lot of movies, but lately they have been sporatic and a lot of heavy drama, I think I'm ready to watch some comedy.
I prefer to spend my time in front of the tube with movies rather than tv shows, too many commercials and no endings.
I prefer flipping through magazines and of course looking at the pictures, lol, but I do have a stack of books that I'm going through. But the ones I want to read are Blue Like Jazz and the one by Mother Theresa. Those sound good.
Superman is a hero.