...::Blueberry::... profile picture


About Me

My Answers to Survey What would you do if?

1 - You won the lottery: round-the-world trip ofcourse or I'll spend it all for bags =D
2 - You caught your BF/GF is cheating you with your best friend: It couldn't be true...they are just some actors who are pretending
3 - You saw someone hitchiking on highway: I'll try to stop but..hm.. I guess hitchikers won't be very lucky when I am on the road
4 - You caught a friend stealing from you: =D Wow he/she must be very degraded to steal from my craps
5 - You witnessed a murder: Run baby ruuun
6 - A random stranger offered you ice cream: I won't take it...no way...Is it chocolate??
7 - MySpace is closed: Well I'll have to ...brrr...study
8 - You learned that there wont be internet anymore: Nooo I’ll kill myself ...just kidding...I'll just have to write my literаture homework by myself
9 - You learned your best friend has a crush on you: WHAT!!!O_o That sounds like L World
10 - You found a wallet without an ID and fully loaded with $$$$: >=)
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My Blog

Shoe World

So it looks like we live in a shoe world .That is not a surprice, isn't it.After all one of the most famous Formula1 drivers is Shumacher(shoemaker (DE)) and a popular system of improving your life is...
Posted by on Wed, 27 May 2009 13:52:00 GMT