MEL DUROSE MUSIC profile picture


About Me

MEL DUROSE IS A 23 YEAR OLD SINGER SONG WRITER AND PRODUCER IN THE MAKING. Notches under her resume belt so far include:- Channel 7’s Pop stars 2004. Top 25 finalist - Featured lead solo vocalist and Finale in "join in the chorus" 2001. Venue, Rod laver arena. Also including media launch hosted by Tim Fergusson. - Australian ambassador performing in Chinas multicultural tourism festival 2002 - Guest star performances For the Reach foundations annual ball held at Crowns Palladium ballroom many years running. Performing duet with Tania Doko 2004Jaanz school of singing student of the year award 2001 Jaanz school of singing elite concert VIP award recipientOther venues such as:- Crown showroom - Odeon nightclub - Frostbites night club - Bennigans - Caramels - Guest appearance for the "Work and families" Government forum before Australia’s former PM John HowardAnd gigs for S.A. fm radio voiceover jingle Channel 31’s drags show jingle vocals And for a short time vocal jingle for Jaanz school of singings weekly running show now on Aurora, Sundays 6.30I adore music. No, love music. There are many things I enjoy indulging in in life but music for me is one the ultimate. My thoughts, my voice and my soul combine and express what I feel within through melody. Quite frankly I do not care for the fame and fortune so much as I care to be heard and connect with others. I feel at my most powerful and most vulnerable when before an audience I share my passion and I guess the inner me. To relate to and feel at one with others- The human spirit, and human condition. As with appreciating another’s creativity. Growing up I never sang. In fact, hardly spoke. It was only at the age of fifteen by sheer accident my mother happened to arrive home early one day to hear me in one of my secret practise sessions. It was that motherly pride and love that encouraged me to audition for a singing school, that from then on out, led me on a journey and pursuit of musicality, inspiration and self discovery. It’s fair to say that my childhood was at times a difficult one. I’m very much the underdog story in many ways which makes for much inspiration in my writing and in living life and my name seems quite symbolic in how I perceive and understand myself. "Durose" in french means "Of the rose". I guess just like a rose I have grown from and developed from a bud. Still stretching my petals and opening into full bloom I am not quite there yet. My thorns apart of my stem as are the sharp and what I would call the darker side to my life yet all beautifully apart of "the rose" The music I am nurturing into full bloom is all there in the process. That interesting and unique creative process and I love it. My song I have on my page represents somewhat of my abilities as an artist, but to me there is a great deal more I aspire to express. My vocals quite strong and perhaps a little unpolished in this recording also have a softer more gentle sound that I enjoy as another flavour. So watch this space to soon hear some more. Thanks for stopping by.

My Interests


Member Since: 02/10/2007
Band Members: ....-Just me. Oh, and although we've yet to fully mix and master (My fault and full responsibility it being heard incomplete, "Back of your mind" is produced by the super "Tone" of Sonicboy studios.
Influences: Anyone and everyone whom possesses a hint of musicality. ..But just to name a few, Sting, Simple minds, Annie Lennox and many many more
Record Label: Yes Please!!!!

My Blog

Private blog for the Duroses..

This is a blog just for The Duroses. Hehe!!!Me love you long time Mumma Papa Rhys, Dylan and Ryan. You’re my world and I love you more than words could possibly ever say.  So proud of my fa...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 19:35:00 GMT