Fernando Tarres profile picture

Fernando Tarres

Fernando Tarrés' Official Website

About Me

Fernando Tarrés is widely recognized as one of the most important and original Argentine musicians to emerge from the jazz and improvised music scene of the last decades.
The astonishing array of his artistic activities as a composer, arranger, performer and producer with artists like Tom Harrel, Danilo Pérez, Rubén Blades, Donny McCaslin, Erik Friedlander, Mark Feldman, Ed Simon, David Kikosky, Luis Perdomo, Drew Gress, Tito Puente, Paquito D'Rivera, Bologna Philarmonic Orchestra, Panama Symphony, Maracaibo Symphony Orchestra, Mexico's Chávez Orchestra, Claudio Roditi, David Sánchez, Jeff Ballard, Ben Street, Montevideo National Symphony, Medellin's EAFIT Orchestra, Bogotá Philarmonic, John Hollenbeck, Satoshi Takeishi, Lucía Pulido, David Binney and Gary Burton among many others, makes him one of the most prominent names in the South American modern creative music scene.
Tarrés is a master form architect whose deeply personal language emerges from the rigorous, distanced perspective of an exile pondering his native sources, during his ten-year residency in New York City.
He blends contemporary classical, modern jazz harmony, the unique melodic phrasing of tango, free improvisation and the rythms and melodies of Argentina's rick Folk vernacular in creating fresh, dynamic music that transcends category. With thirteen albums under his mane and many others as sideman, arranger and producer, Tarrés has reinforced his singular position in the music world.
His eclectic approach to music has granted him commissions by the Córdoba Chamber Orchestra, Yale Philarmonic and Astor Piazolla's latest partner Daniel Binelli, for whom Tarrés composed his "Bandoneón Concerto".
Over the past few years Tarrés has performed in prestigious theaters and jazz venues around the world: Jamboree (Barcelona), Stadtgarden (Koln), A Trane (Berlin), Jazzkeller (Frankfurt), Cadiz University (Cadiz), Unterfahrt (Munich), Bayerischer Hof (Munich), Café Central (Madrid), Moods (Zurich), Teatro San Martín (Córdoba, Argentina), Málaga University (Malaga), Teatro San Martín (Buenos Aires), Santa María University (Chile), University of Santiago (Santiago de Chile), Scullers (Boston), Knitting Factory (New York), Blues Alley (Washington), KC T'Vondel (Brussels), Schloss Elmsu (Elmsu, Germany), Visiones (New York), The Bird's Eye (Basel), Bunker Ulmenwall (Bielefeld), Domicil (Dortmund), WDR (Koln), JFC (St. Petersburg), Pamu Jazz Festival (Estonia), Progretto Jazz (Cremona), Blue Note (Poznan) and many others.
He has received fellowships for his work from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, the City of Buenos Aires' Secretary of Culture, and the City of Buenos Aires' Sub-Secretary of Cultural Industries; as well as scholarships from Berklee College and Manhattan School of Music in the United States.
In addition to his work as a guitarist, composer and educator, leading a wave of innovative projects, Tarrés is a tireless organizer who is partly responsible for the notable growth of the Argentine creative music scene in recent years.br
He founded Buenos Aires Underground (BAU) in December 2001 to help disseminate the work of a new generation of artists. Since then, he has produced a number of festivals and collective performances in New York, Miami, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Bogotá and Buenos Aires, releasing under the BAU label over 40 albums devoted to the work of Argentina's more remarkable artists.
Photos by Natalia Alvarez Vigil
Press Comments
Tarrés writes art music, composed of profound and haunting elements. Jazz Times, United States.
Concentrated and communicative, the band follows Tarrés on his musical microcosm indicating a possible new way on improvisational freedom. Ralf Dombrosky, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany.
Fernando Tarrés and his band created fascinating musical images, proving that –when done with passion, authenticity and a refreshing originality- creative music can be a blast!Christoph Giese, Dortmunder Rundschau, Germany.
His writing is simply marvelous. I listen to his music over and over and I just love it.Egberto Gismonti, Brazil.
Tarrés and his group, are exceptionally capable musicians who provide bursts of creative sounds. Jazz Times, United States.
The quintet performs Tarrés' music with a profound expression of its own. Wolfgang Stiefelle, Stuttgart Zeitung, Germany.
Tarrés is a marvelous composer. Hermeto Pascoal, composer, Brazil.
The great beauty of the album Secret Rhythms is the constant sensation of balance; everything is in the right place. With musicians like him, the new stream is in great hands. F. Caballero, Cuadernos de Jazz, Spain.
Piazzolla's fate is shared by argentine guitarist Fernando Tarrés: his music is rooted in his country's vernacular music, it's meticulously composed, requires of a well versed ensemble of players, and defeats all categories. Stuttgart Zeitung, Germany.
I love his work. Tarrés must continue writing this music.Lalo Schifrin, pianist, United States.
Fernando Tarrés is a blessed guitarist, a virtuoso. Stuttgart Nachrichten, Germany.
With astonishing precision and inventive Tarrés brought down frontiers. Diario Puntal, Argentina.
Tarrés' music exceeds jazz to inscribe itself into a new stream, taking the music from Argentina to levels never reached before. Carlos Inzillo, La Maga, Argentina.
Ambitious and prodigal of ideas, Tarrés combines the risk and the pleasure of a music without limits. Luis Gregoratti, La Voz del Interior, Argentina.
Fernando Tarrés is one of the best musicians I’ve met in the past 20 years. Gil Goldstein (Pianist for Jim Hall and Pat Metheny), United States.
Tarrés presents a totally fresh and original idea, giving the listener a fine tuned tour of his musical vision. Norman Provizer, Jazziz magazine, United States.
The music is very consistent and coherent. It is definitely one of the most interesting and exciting things I heard lately. Stefano Zenni (Sidma, Metastasio Jazz Festival) Italy.
Tarres’ music is rooted on vitality and strength, and crafted with intelligence. Carlos Carrizo, La Nueva Provincia, Argentina.
One of the most ambitious and original works in Argentine modern music. Diario Del Valle, Chile.
The musicians on the quintet shine for their coherent ideas and expressiveness, always avoiding to sound hybrid. Carlos Carrizo, La Nueva Provincia, Argentina.
Reuniting five of the most relevant musicians from the New York scene, the quintet manages to bring out the richest and most profound contrasts between the energy, passion, melancholy and the exuberance of Mr. Tarrés’ music. Germán Carmona, La Estrella de Valparaíso, Chile.
Tarrés proposed high-level music.La Mañana de Córdoba, Argentina.
Cyclical Obsessions is Music written from an unquestionable commitment with jazz. This is the best Tarrés to date. F. Caballero, Cuadernos de Jazz, Spain.
Finally! An album that makes your head spin and your ears open wide, filling up your veins with exquisite music. Creativity, freshness, sonic balance. Tarrés at his best. Mónica Maristain, La Vontumancia, Argentina.
On each movement of the suite, the music goes unknown places. Created, imagined, invented by the listener. With this piece Tarrés establishes himself as an exquisite composer, capable of walking the paths of folk and modern jazz, without forgetting the pleasures of academic music. Nicolás Russo, Veintitrés, Argentina.
Defined by a sum of contrasts, after the overwhelming first impression, the work reveals itself coherent and inevitable. The result is as unusual as it is irresistible because of its infinite quality, among other things. Jonio González, Cuadernos de Jazz, Spain.
Genial!Guido Michelone (Musicologist, Independent jazz critic) Italy.
A masterpiece!Jeff Levenson, Billboard, United States.
Tarrés brings us very challenging and inventive music. Its attraction is that it dances on the edges with a mix of tightly structured forms and solo freedom.George Kanzler, The Star-Ledger, United States.
Tarrés’ very capable writing has a broad appeal. He has developed a firm identity and produces some very interesting music. Graham Colombé, Jazz Journal, England.
One of the Argentine musicians with more future on the international scene. Displying humbleness and knowledge, Tarrés allows himself to disappear from the album to prioritize the silences, the colors, the music. Must keep an eye on him! El Musiquero, Argentina.
Tarrés is already recognized as one of the finest composers today, and he will assuredly be one of the greatest artist of his generations. Danilo Pérez, Pianist, Panamá.
Impeccable show by Fernando Tarrés. A creative, lucid and solid concept. José Hossaison, El Mercurio, Chile.
There are not many musicians who are as capable as Fernando Tarrés to connect an array of South-American rhythms in such a natural and exciting way. Intrincated counterpoint and dramatic mood changes outline his music.Dortmunder Rundschau, Germany.
Tarrés’ quintet gets better and better every time. The music is rich, complex, arresting and absorbent. Marcelo Cohen, Otra Parte, Argentina.
An excellent compositional work by Tarrés that manages to underline the individualities in his band without neglecting the band as a whole. César Pradines, La Nación, Argentina.
The band shares Tarrés’ passion for exploring the possibilities in the concerted chaos of improvisation within the New York Jazz scene. His Argentine modern chamber music … brilliant musical expression of the nylon strings. Werner Stiefele, Germany.
The quintet manages to come across with every detail as specifically dictated by Tarrés' complex scores and, in the process, you can clearly see the growing search for a new sonority. Topo Gregoratti, La Voz del Interior, Argentina.
The guitarist and his group play with remarkable fluidness and spontaneity. The music breathes in spaces of great harmonic freedom and very imaginative solos. Diego Fischerman, Cuadernos de Jazz, España.
Tarrés music shows a great dose of maturity: the guitarist has interesting stories to tell. César Pradines, La Nación, Argentina.
A sophisticated textural treatment serves as support to the dramatic dynamics of the band, the shadows, the lights, the tensions and releases. Profound music born at the heart, and illuminated by the mind. Vincenzo Roggero, Cremona, Italy.
Tarrés is one of the biggest creative forces in South American music. His immense talent and imagination establish him as one of the most remarkable composers of our time. Daniel Binelli (Bandoneonist for Astor Piazzolla’s latest sextet), Argentina.
Aside from their precision and unquestionable technique, the soloist have strong personality, which allows them to elude any common places when approaching this repertoire full of tunes of great beauty. Diego Fischerman, Página/12, Argentina.
Without any doubt Tarrés is one of the most courageous explorers out there on the scene. His compositions conform one the most solid bodies of work. César Pradines, La Nación, Argentina.
Tarrés offered moments of great musical wisdom at Medellin’s EAFIT Concert Hall. In his music I found the subtle density characteristic of those who have the captivating to tell beautiful stories. Gustavo Bustamante. Sinigual Antioquía, Colombia.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/1/2007
Band Website: fernandotarres.com.ar
Band Members: Projects:


La Raza


Maps of an Imaginary South

BAU Records

Sounds Like: Discography:



Songbook I

Songbook II

Milongueando Solo


Presagios del Carnaval

Cyclical Obsessions

The Outsider

Secret Rhythms

On the Edges of White

Suelo Indómito

Record Label: BAU Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Entrevista en Argentjazz

Lean la entrevista a Fernando en www.argentjazz.com, sobre el Jazz en Argentina, sus proyectos profesionales y mucho más en: http://www.argentjazz.com/tarres.htm.      ...
Posted by Fernando Tarres on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 06:11:00 PST