myself from 1 day in the future, so that i could see what i will look like tomorrow... hehe:P______________________________________________________
Slacker Kid
High school was a place you showed up occasionally, but you didn't really leave a mark.
You hated rules, authority, and structure. In fact, you still do.
Who Were You In High School?_____________________________________________________
Your Kissing Grade: A
You are truly an amazing kisser. Your kisses are extraordinarily mind blowing.
Whether you're naturally a good kisser or not, you've taken the time learn how to be the best kisser possible.
Anyone would be lucky to get a kiss from you!
How Do Your Kisses Rate?_______________________________________________________
Your Depression Level: 92%
You seem to be severely depressed.
You should seek immediate attention from your physician.
Depression can be cured - you just need to take the first step.
Are You Depressed?__________________________________________________
Your Hair Should Be Blue
Wild, brilliant, and out of control.
You're a risk taker with an eye to the future.
What's Your Funky Inner Hair Color?______________________________________________________