Altruism, avocados, bad action movies, being introverted, chess, chivalry, open mindedness, veganism, drug-free lifestyle, loud high fives, late night bike rides, jalapeño/serrano peppers, odd hand gestures, organizing things, other cultures/small countries, paddle boats, porch time, quixotic people, reveling in awkward moments, solving problems, soy milk, skateboarding sometimes, spending time on the roof, spooning, swimming pools, taking strolls around the lake, toaster ovens, the outdoors, and well educated cola (of the doctorate kind).
Agathocles, Artimus Pyle, Bloodred Bacteria, Bones Brigade, Birdflesh, Capitalist Casualties, Coke Bust, Crossed Out, Denak, Disrupt, DYS, Grief, Flash Gordon, Hellnation, I Object, Infest, Insect Warfare, Jerry's Kids, Kylesa, Larm, Life's Halt, Los Crudos, Negative FX, Noothgrush, Magrudergrind, Mehkago N.T., Mesrine, Minor Threat, Poison Idea, Pretty Little Flower, Razor's Edge, Rhino Charge, Sairaat Mielet, Scared Straight, Septic Death, Sewn Shut, Sore Throat, SSD, Swarrrm, Terminal Youth, Token Entry, Unholy Grave, Vitamin X, Wolfbrigade
Audition, Amores Perros, Cannibal the Musical, Dead Poets Society, Deadalive, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Lost Highway, Lost in Translation, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Oldboy, Pi, Rock and Roll Nightmare
Lost, Prison Break, Six Feet Under, Twin Peaks
Crime and Punishment
Zat Knight