First Name: aLiNa
Middle Name: aLiNiTa
Birthday: 01-09-87
Eyes: LiTe BrOwN
Hair: bLaCk
Fav color: DaRk CoLoRs
Day/Night: NiTe
Fave Food: TaCo BeLl
Do you ever wish you had another name? NaH mAh NaMe Is PrEtTy
Do you like anyone? YeA i Do
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? NoNe We AlL dIfFeReNt
Who's the loudest? Me n LaY pUt ToGeThA dO sOmE dAmAgE
Who have you known the longest of your friends? AlL oF tHeM ...
Who's the shyest: uMmMm It UsEd To Be NoEl ....
Are you close to any family members? YeA mAh MoM dAd BrOthA cOuSiN n GrAnDpArEnTs
When you cried the most: wHeN i LoSt PeOpLe I cArEd AbOuT
What's the best feeling in the world: BeIn InLoVe WiT mY fRiEnD
Worst Feeling: kNoWiN tHaT hE dOeSnT fEeL tHe SaMe
Let's walk on the: bEaCh
Let's run through: Da WaTeR
Let's look at the: sUn RiSe
What a nice: fEeLiN tO b WiT yOu
Where did all the: LoVe YoU hAd FoR mE gO
Why can't you: jUs TeLl Me HoW u ReAlLy FeEl
Silly, little: BiTcH iTs MaH tUrN nOw So FaLl BaCk
Tell me: Y wOnT u JuS GiVe Me A cHaNcE ....
Ran away from home: yEa pLeNtY oF tImEs
Pictured your crush naked: &..39;
Skipped school: DuHh WhO dIdNt
Broken someone's heart: YeA i HaVe
Been in love: sTiLl InLoVe
Cried when someone died: YeA iT wAs A vErY sAd DaY ...
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: I sTiLl Do
Done something embarrassing: i Do SoMeThIn EmBaRrAsSiN eVeRyDaY wHaTs NeW
Done a drug: yEa BuH i HaD tO qUiT aLl DaT
Cried in school: NaH nEvA dAt
Your Good Luck Charm: Me MaH sElF n I
Person You Hate Most: i DoNt HaTe On No BiTcH
Best Thing That Has Happened: fAlLiN iNlOVe AgAiN
Ice Cream: CoOkIeS n CrEaM
WHO Makes you laugh the most: aLl Of MaH fRiEnDs ThEy A tRiP
Makes you smile: uMmMmM cAnT sAy HiS nAmE
Has A Crush On You: IdK aSk DaT pErSoN
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yEa
Fallen for your best friend?: NaH bUh I fElL fOr MaH bOy ....
Made out with JUST a friend?: YeAaAa
Kissed two people in the same day?: NaH
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: hElL nAh
Been rejected: . uMmMmM iDk
Been in love?: sTiLl InLoVe
Been used?: I dOnT tHiNk SoOo
Done something you regret?: yEaAaAa
Cheated on someone?: yEaAa BiG mIsTaKe LeArNeD mAh LeSsOn ThO
Been called a tease: yEaAa BuH i AlWaYs PlEaSe
You touched?: MmMmM i CaNt SaY iTs A sEcReT
You talked to on the phone?: mAh BrOtHa
You hugged?: MiKe
You instant messaged?: nOoNe
You kissed?: mMmMm CaNt SaY
You yelled at?: MiKe
Who text messaged you?: MiKe
Who broke your heart?: hE kNoWs WhO hE iS
Who told you they loved you?: MaH x BoYfRiEnD
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!Im LoViN dA cRaZy LiFe ... i LiVe MaH lIfE tO dA fUlLeSt WiT No ReGrEtS ... I lOvE cHiLlEn WiT mAh BeStFrIeNd LaYlA lOvE dAt CrAzY gRl To DeAtH wE tHiNk AlIkE lOl ... We FiTe SoMeTiMeS bUh ItS LiKe HaViN a LiL sIs CaNt AlWaYs B mAd At HeR ... wE bOtH lIkE To Go ClUbBiN, dA mAlL, N dA mOvIeS wEn ThErE aInT sHiT eLsE tO dO ...
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DaM wHa CaN i SaY ... i WaNnA mEeT a NiGgA wHo AiNt BoUt GaMeS ... DoNt CaRe If PeOpLe HaTiN oN uS ... TrEaTs Me GoOd N lOvEs Me FoR mE ... bAsIcAlLy Im LoOkIn FoR a ThUg GuY dA oNe DaT lOoKs MaD tUfF bUh WoNt EvA dO mE wRoNg... iM dOnE wAsTiN mAh TyMe WiT dA bUlLsHiT rElAtIoNsHiPs So If U bOuT dEm GaMeS fUcK yOu DoNt HoLLa .. iM oUt On3blog
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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsIm NoT rEaLlY a MoViE PeRsOn BuH wEn It CoMeS DoWn To It U cAn SaY iLl WaTcH aNyThIn LoL ... EsPeCiAlLy If Im CuDdLiN WiT sOmEoNe SpEcIaL ...
I AInT DaT MuCh Of A Tv PeRsOn LoL ... I ThInK If I WaTcH 2 MuCh Tv IlL GeT StUpId So Im GoOd I DoNt LiKe WaTcHiN Tv ExCePt SoMeTiMeS mAh NoVeLaS ... LmFaO
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts girls layout @ HOT
[Marital Status] SiNgLe FoR nOw
[Shoe size] 8 1/2
[Parents still together] yEaAaAa
[Siblings] OnE bRoThA
[Pets] 3 a DoG n 2 cAtS
[Color] DaRk CoLoRs
[Number] 69
[Animal] CatS
[Drinks] AnYtHiN wIt AlCoHoL
[Soda] CoKe
[Book] ChIcKeN sOuP n UrBaN lEgEnDs
[Flower] wHiTe RoSeS
[Color your hair?] YeAaAa AlOt
[Twirl your hair?] wHeN iM bOrEd
[Have tattoos?] YeAaA 2
[Have Piercings?] 15
[Cheat on tests/homework?] wHeN i WaS iN sChOoL
[Drink/Smoke?] yEaAa I dO
[Like roller coasters?] hElL yEaAa
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] YeAaAa
[Want more piercings?] YeA 1 MoRe
[Like cleaning?] HeLl NaH bUh I hAtE bEiN mEsSy ToO
[Write in cursive or print?] BoTh
[Own a web cam?] NaH
[Know how to drive?] yEaAaA hEhE
[Own a cell phone?] yEaAaA
[Ever get off the damn computer?] nAh LoL
[Been in a fist fight?] yEaAa PlEnTy
[Considered a life of crime?] NaHhH
[Considered being a hooker?] hElL nAh
[Lied to someone?] YeAaAa WhEn I hAd To
[Been in love?] sTiLl InLoVe
[Made out with JUST a friend?] YeAaAa
[Been in lust?] YeAa At OnE pOiNt
[Used someone] NaH
[Been used?] i DoNt ThInk SoO
[Been cheated on?] yEaAaA ='{
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] LmFaO yEaAa
[Stolen anything?] YeP gOt ArReStEd ToO
[Held a gun] yEaAa
[Current clothing] PiNk HaLtEr ToP n JeAnS
[Current mood] hOrNy
[Current taste] GuMmM
[What you currently smell like] GuEsS ... NaH fO rEaL gUeSs
[Current hair] CuRlY n DoWn
[Current thing I ought to be doing] SlEePiN
[Current cd in stereo] rEaGgAeToN mIx
[Last book you read] i HaVeNt ReAd A bOoK iN yEaRs
[Last movie you saw] tHe GrUdGe 2
[Last thing you ate] RiCe n StEaK
[Last person you talked to on the phone] MaH bRoThA
[Do drugs?] nAh NoT aNyMoRe
[Believe there is life on other planets?] NaH nOt ReAlLy
Remember your first love?] YeAaA
[Still love him/her?] nAh SoRrY
[Read the newspaper?] NaH
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] uMmM dO i?
[Believe in miracles?] YeAaA
[Do well in school?] dOnT gO tO sChOoL
[Wear hats] nAh DoNt LiKe DeM tHaT mUcH
[Hate yourself?] nAh
[Have an obsession?] YeAaA i Go OuT tO mUcH
[Collect anything?] yEaAa LiGhTeRs
[Have a best friend?] YeP 2 NoEl N lAyLa
[Close friends?] yEaAa EdWiN oScAr MiKe N pOnKy
[Like your handwriting?] YeAaA iTs CuTe
[Care about looks] sOmEtImEs
[First crush] A cUbAn BoY nAmEd LuIs
[First kiss] LuIs
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] nAh NOt AnYmOrE
[Do you believe in "the one?"] YeAaA
[Are you a tease?] YeAaA bUh I aLwAyS pLeAsE
[Too shy to make the first move?] HeLl NaH
[Daydreamer] YeA u CaN sAy DaT
[Bitch/Asshole] mOrE oF a BiTcH tHaN aN aSsHoLe
[sarcastic] SoMeTiMeS
[Angel] hEhE yEaAa
[Devil] HaHaHa Of CoRsE
[Shy] nAh SoMeTiMeS mAyBe
[Talkative] MmMmM nAh
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!My HeRoEs n DeSe PpL I LoVe 2 DeAtH U FuQq WiT DeM n IlL KiLl SoMeBoDy ... My MoM , DaD , BrOtHa , n GrAnDpArEnTs ... DeSe R MaH HeRoEs ThEy'vE AlWaYs BeEn ThErE 4 Me n AlWaYs WiLl B I LoVe U GuYs ... N ReAl QuIk I WaNnA GiVe ShOuT OuTs To AlL MaH PpL In MiAmI U KnO WhO U R I CaNt NaMe U AlL CuS Is 2 MaNy Of U FuQqErS BuH I LoVe YaLL n IlL B BaK SoMeDaY.... ShOUt OuTs 2 MaH CuSiNs I LoVe Ur CrAzY AsSeS ToO HoLlA BaCk MaH LoVeS Im OuT ....