`~(¯`v´¯)~`_ii LoVe U bUh ii GiVe Up_`~(¯`v´ profile picture

`~(¯`v´¯)~`_ii LoVe U bUh ii GiVe Up_`~(¯`v´Â

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About Me

WeLl WhAt CaN i SaY bOuT mE .... iM dOwN aSs FuK iF u GeT 2 KnO mE iM nOt Da TyPe 2 tAkE sHiT fRoM nO1 I dOnT c AnY bItCh If U gOt A pRoLlEm WiT mE hOlLa At Me .... I sPeAk MaH mInD wEnEvA wHeReVa .... I dOnT lIkE 2 FaCeD pPl Da OnEs DaT pReTeNd 2 b Ur FrIeNd ThEn TaLk ShIt BeHiNd Ur bAk FuK dAt DaS gRiMmY sHiT n I aInT wIt DaT ... BuH YeAa U cAn SaY iM kInDa CrAzY bUh Im WiLd AsS fUk ..... DaS aLl I cAn SaY 4 NoW wAnNa KnO mOrE gEt At Me .... OnE
The Age 20
Birthplace MiA 3Ho5 hAsTa La MuErTe
Your Groundz WeSt WeSt
Nationality cUbAn NiCaRaGuEnCe
What School do you go to? nOt In ScHoOl
What grade are you in? DiDnT i JuS sAy Im NoT iN sChOoL
Let's Get Personal
How many times have you had your heart broken? pLeNtY oF tImEs
How many hearts have you broken? i DoNt KnO
Have you been inlove? sTiLl Am
ARE you in love? DuHhHh
With Who? MmMmM iTs A sEcReT
Are you with anyone at the moment? nAh I wIsH i WaS tHo
What's your biggest fear? LoSiN mAh LoVeD oNeS
What's your obsession? gOiN oUt
Have you ever smoked? [Cigs/weed/etc] YeAaA
Done any drug? yEaAa
Have a crush @ the moment? who? YeAaA cAnT sAy Da NaMe
Let's Talk About Sex
What age was your first kiss? 14
Who was your first serious boyfriend/girlfriend? LuIs
Ever been fingered / Have you fingered someone? yEaAaAaA i BeEn FiNgErEd
Have jerked someone off / Have you been jerked off? uMmMmMm YeAaaAa
Have you given oral sex? UmMmMmmm ShHhH
Have you received oral sex? MmMmMmM yEa
Are you a virgin? NaH
How many times have you done the DEED? pLeNtY
How many partners have you had? tO mUcH iNfOrMaTiOn
What's your wildest fantasy? FuKiN iN dA rAiN oN tOp oF mAh RoOf
Where would you want to mess around and with who? AnYwHeRe WiT ....
Where's the wildest place you've fooled around in? hOt TuB wIt MaH fRiEnDs In It LoL
Would you do it again? HeLl YeA
person you kissed? .... CaNt SaY
Last person you had sex with? MmMmMmm iTs A sEcReT
reason why you cried? LoSt SoMeOnE
time you got hurt? JuLy 4tH
thing you ate? rIcE n StEaK
person you called? MaH BrOtHa
person who called you? mAh BoY mArInO
ARE YOU . . .
Annoying? mAyBe I dOnT kNo
Self-conscious of your body? At TiMeS
Self-conscious of yourself as a whole? NaH
Suicidal? UsEd To Be
Smart? What's your GPA? i DoNt kNo
Going to college? YeAaA sOmEdAy
Going to get married? YeAaA sOmEdAy
Going to have children? YeAaA sOoN
Talkative? nAh
Trusting? yEaAa
Two-Faced? NaH nEvA dAt
Moody? YeAaa
A Physical Person? MmMm In BeD lOl
Ugly? nAh
Who is your bestfriend? LaYlA n NoEl
Who is your enemy? I dUnNo HaTiN aSs HoEs
What celebrity rocks your world? MmMmMmmM i GoT tO mAnY
Who makes you happy? mAh FrIeNdS n FaMiLy
Who is understanding? LaYlA
Who is judgemental? DaMm I cAnT tHiNk RiTe NoW
Who is two-faced? BiBi
Who is the wierdest person you know? JR sOrRy BuH yOu StIlL mAh BoY
Who makes you angry most of the time? MiKe BuH i GoTtA lOvE hIm
Who knows you the best? MaH pArEnTs
Who makes you feel beautiful in and out? Me MaH sElF n I
Who makes you feel ugly? UmMm No OnE
What's your favorite color? AnY dArK cOlOrS
What are you wearing? pInK hAlTeR tOp WiT jEaNs
Can you be classified as a hoe? nAh HeLl NaH
Are you quick to throw some hands? FuCk YeA
What's your favorite song? i GoT aLoT oF tHeM
What are you watching? ThE cOmPuTeR
Who are you talking to? nOoNe
Walmart or Kmart? WaLmArT
What bugs the shit out of you? WhEn PeOpLe StArT sOmEtHiN n DoNt FiNiSh It
What did you do today? wOrK
Are you sleepy? yEaAa A lIl
You happy the survey is ending? hElL yEaH
You horny right now? mMmMmMmmM yEaAAaAaAa
Are you home alone? NaH i WiSh I wAs
Do you like Liquor HeLl YeA
If so, Light drinker or heavy downer hEaVy DoWnEr
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My Interests

First Name: aLiNa
Middle Name: aLiNiTa
Birthday: 01-09-87
Eyes: LiTe BrOwN
Hair: bLaCk
Fav color: DaRk CoLoRs
Day/Night: NiTe
Fave Food: TaCo BeLl
Do you ever wish you had another name? NaH mAh NaMe Is PrEtTy
Do you like anyone? YeA i Do
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? NoNe We AlL dIfFeReNt
Who's the loudest? Me n LaY pUt ToGeThA dO sOmE dAmAgE
Who have you known the longest of your friends? AlL oF tHeM ...
Who's the shyest: uMmMm It UsEd To Be NoEl ....
Are you close to any family members? YeA mAh MoM dAd BrOthA cOuSiN n GrAnDpArEnTs
When you cried the most: wHeN i LoSt PeOpLe I cArEd AbOuT
What's the best feeling in the world: BeIn InLoVe WiT mY fRiEnD
Worst Feeling: kNoWiN tHaT hE dOeSnT fEeL tHe SaMe
Let's walk on the: bEaCh
Let's run through: Da WaTeR
Let's look at the: sUn RiSe
What a nice: fEeLiN tO b WiT yOu
Where did all the: LoVe YoU hAd FoR mE gO
Why can't you: jUs TeLl Me HoW u ReAlLy FeEl
Silly, little: BiTcH iTs MaH tUrN nOw So FaLl BaCk
Tell me: Y wOnT u JuS GiVe Me A cHaNcE ....
Ran away from home: yEa pLeNtY oF tImEs
Pictured your crush naked: &..39;
Skipped school: DuHh WhO dIdNt
Broken someone's heart: YeA i HaVe
Been in love: sTiLl InLoVe
Cried when someone died: YeA iT wAs A vErY sAd DaY ...
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: I sTiLl Do
Done something embarrassing: i Do SoMeThIn EmBaRrAsSiN eVeRyDaY wHaTs NeW
Done a drug: yEa BuH i HaD tO qUiT aLl DaT
Cried in school: NaH nEvA dAt
Your Good Luck Charm: Me MaH sElF n I
Person You Hate Most: i DoNt HaTe On No BiTcH
Best Thing That Has Happened: fAlLiN iNlOVe AgAiN
Ice Cream: CoOkIeS n CrEaM
WHO Makes you laugh the most: aLl Of MaH fRiEnDs ThEy A tRiP
Makes you smile: uMmMmM cAnT sAy HiS nAmE
Has A Crush On You: IdK aSk DaT pErSoN
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yEa
Fallen for your best friend?: NaH bUh I fElL fOr MaH bOy ....
Made out with JUST a friend?: YeAaAa
Kissed two people in the same day?: NaH
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: hElL nAh
Been rejected: . uMmMmM iDk
Been in love?: sTiLl InLoVe
Been used?: I dOnT tHiNk SoOo
Done something you regret?: yEaAaAa
Cheated on someone?: yEaAa BiG mIsTaKe LeArNeD mAh LeSsOn ThO
Been called a tease: yEaAa BuH i AlWaYs PlEaSe
You touched?: MmMmM i CaNt SaY iTs A sEcReT
You talked to on the phone?: mAh BrOtHa
You hugged?: MiKe
You instant messaged?: nOoNe
You kissed?: mMmMm CaNt SaY
You yelled at?: MiKe
Who text messaged you?: MiKe
Who broke your heart?: hE kNoWs WhO hE iS
Who told you they loved you?: MaH x BoYfRiEnD

CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!Im LoViN dA cRaZy LiFe ... i LiVe MaH lIfE tO dA fUlLeSt WiT No ReGrEtS ... I lOvE cHiLlEn WiT mAh BeStFrIeNd LaYlA lOvE dAt CrAzY gRl To DeAtH wE tHiNk AlIkE lOl ... We FiTe SoMeTiMeS bUh ItS LiKe HaViN a LiL sIs CaNt AlWaYs B mAd At HeR ... wE bOtH lIkE To Go ClUbBiN, dA mAlL, N dA mOvIeS wEn ThErE aInT sHiT eLsE tO dO ...
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I'd like to meet:

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DaM wHa CaN i SaY ... i WaNnA mEeT a NiGgA wHo AiNt BoUt GaMeS ... DoNt CaRe If PeOpLe HaTiN oN uS ... TrEaTs Me GoOd N lOvEs Me FoR mE ... bAsIcAlLy Im LoOkIn FoR a ThUg GuY dA oNe DaT lOoKs MaD tUfF bUh WoNt EvA dO mE wRoNg... iM dOnE wAsTiN mAh TyMe WiT dA bUlLsHiT rElAtIoNsHiPs So If U bOuT dEm GaMeS fUcK yOu DoNt HoLLa .. iM oUt On3


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MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts


MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsIm NoT rEaLlY a MoViE PeRsOn BuH wEn It CoMeS DoWn To It U cAn SaY iLl WaTcH aNyThIn LoL ... EsPeCiAlLy If Im CuDdLiN WiT sOmEoNe SpEcIaL ...


I AInT DaT MuCh Of A Tv PeRsOn LoL ... I ThInK If I WaTcH 2 MuCh Tv IlL GeT StUpId So Im GoOd I DoNt LiKe WaTcHiN Tv ExCePt SoMeTiMeS mAh NoVeLaS ... LmFaO


MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts girls layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com


[Marital Status] SiNgLe FoR nOw
[Shoe size] 8 1/2
[Parents still together] yEaAaAa
[Siblings] OnE bRoThA
[Pets] 3 a DoG n 2 cAtS
[Color] DaRk CoLoRs
[Number] 69
[Animal] CatS
[Drinks] AnYtHiN wIt AlCoHoL
[Soda] CoKe
[Book] ChIcKeN sOuP n UrBaN lEgEnDs
[Flower] wHiTe RoSeS
[Color your hair?] YeAaAa AlOt
[Twirl your hair?] wHeN iM bOrEd
[Have tattoos?] YeAaA 2
[Have Piercings?] 15
[Cheat on tests/homework?] wHeN i WaS iN sChOoL
[Drink/Smoke?] yEaAa I dO
[Like roller coasters?] hElL yEaAa
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] YeAaAa
[Want more piercings?] YeA 1 MoRe
[Like cleaning?] HeLl NaH bUh I hAtE bEiN mEsSy ToO
[Write in cursive or print?] BoTh
[Own a web cam?] NaH
[Know how to drive?] yEaAaA hEhE
[Own a cell phone?] yEaAaA
[Ever get off the damn computer?] nAh LoL
[Been in a fist fight?] yEaAa PlEnTy
[Considered a life of crime?] NaHhH
[Considered being a hooker?] hElL nAh
[Lied to someone?] YeAaAa WhEn I hAd To
[Been in love?] sTiLl InLoVe
[Made out with JUST a friend?] YeAaAa
[Been in lust?] YeAa At OnE pOiNt
[Used someone] NaH
[Been used?] i DoNt ThInk SoO
[Been cheated on?] yEaAaA ='{
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] LmFaO yEaAa
[Stolen anything?] YeP gOt ArReStEd ToO
[Held a gun] yEaAa
[Current clothing] PiNk HaLtEr ToP n JeAnS
[Current mood] hOrNy
[Current taste] GuMmM
[What you currently smell like] GuEsS ... NaH fO rEaL gUeSs
[Current hair] CuRlY n DoWn
[Current thing I ought to be doing] SlEePiN
[Current cd in stereo] rEaGgAeToN mIx
[Last book you read] i HaVeNt ReAd A bOoK iN yEaRs
[Last movie you saw] tHe GrUdGe 2
[Last thing you ate] RiCe n StEaK
[Last person you talked to on the phone] MaH bRoThA
[Do drugs?] nAh NoT aNyMoRe
[Believe there is life on other planets?] NaH nOt ReAlLy
Remember your first love?] YeAaA
[Still love him/her?] nAh SoRrY
[Read the newspaper?] NaH
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] uMmM dO i?
[Believe in miracles?] YeAaA
[Do well in school?] dOnT gO tO sChOoL
[Wear hats] nAh DoNt LiKe DeM tHaT mUcH
[Hate yourself?] nAh
[Have an obsession?] YeAaA i Go OuT tO mUcH
[Collect anything?] yEaAa LiGhTeRs
[Have a best friend?] YeP 2 NoEl N lAyLa
[Close friends?] yEaAa EdWiN oScAr MiKe N pOnKy
[Like your handwriting?] YeAaA iTs CuTe
[Care about looks] sOmEtImEs
[First crush] A cUbAn BoY nAmEd LuIs
[First kiss] LuIs
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] nAh NOt AnYmOrE
[Do you believe in "the one?"] YeAaA
[Are you a tease?] YeAaA bUh I aLwAyS pLeAsE
[Too shy to make the first move?] HeLl NaH
[Daydreamer] YeA u CaN sAy DaT
[Bitch/Asshole] mOrE oF a BiTcH tHaN aN aSsHoLe
[sarcastic] SoMeTiMeS
[Angel] hEhE yEaAa
[Devil] HaHaHa Of CoRsE
[Shy] nAh SoMeTiMeS mAyBe
[Talkative] MmMmM nAh
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!My HeRoEs n DeSe PpL I LoVe 2 DeAtH U FuQq WiT DeM n IlL KiLl SoMeBoDy ... My MoM , DaD , BrOtHa , n GrAnDpArEnTs ... DeSe R MaH HeRoEs ThEy'vE AlWaYs BeEn ThErE 4 Me n AlWaYs WiLl B I LoVe U GuYs ... N ReAl QuIk I WaNnA GiVe ShOuT OuTs To AlL MaH PpL In MiAmI U KnO WhO U R I CaNt NaMe U AlL CuS Is 2 MaNy Of U FuQqErS BuH I LoVe YaLL n IlL B BaK SoMeDaY.... ShOUt OuTs 2 MaH CuSiNs I LoVe Ur CrAzY AsSeS ToO HoLlA BaCk MaH LoVeS Im OuT ....


My Blog

Our Past

We share so many memories of our past And its like i know with you im going to last I cant explain how many nights i felt our love died I sat in my room for days and cried Look at us now how did w...
Posted by `~(¯`v´¯)~`_ii LoVe U bUh ii GiVe Up_`~(¯`v´¯)~` on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 01:44:00 PST


So many thoughts are running through my head He doesnt notice me anymore its like im dead My feelings are hurt and i dont know what to do I just need more time to think things through Me and him no ...
Posted by `~(¯`v´¯)~`_ii LoVe U bUh ii GiVe Up_`~(¯`v´¯)~` on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 01:01:00 PST

How I Feel

You feel that you lost me That with you i dont want to be But that is not the way I feel Im just trying to keep shit real I love you with all my heart But its your fault you drove us apart You k...
Posted by `~(¯`v´¯)~`_ii LoVe U bUh ii GiVe Up_`~(¯`v´¯)~` on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 12:51:00 PST

Many Nights

I used to think about you every nightKnowing what I felt for you was rightI never thought we would end our relationship like this Because theres alot of things I really do missBelieve it or not I love...
Posted by `~(¯`v´¯)~`_ii LoVe U bUh ii GiVe Up_`~(¯`v´¯)~` on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 01:32:00 PST


Deep down inside I know theres something with me you want to share But when I look into your eyes you make it seem like you dont care Its fucked up how the many times I needed you...
Posted by `~(¯`v´¯)~`_ii LoVe U bUh ii GiVe Up_`~(¯`v´¯)~` on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 09:02:00 PST