Ashley ♥ Nicole profile picture

Ashley ♥ Nicole

We Fly High...No Lie...You Know It... Ballin'...

About Me

Im Ashley Im 20 I Live In A Small Town In An Apt. Im Italian And VERY Proud Of It My Family Wicked Big 2 Sis's 2 Bro's 1 Bro Is 4 And 1 Sis Is 2...There My Life! 4 Best Friends Im Very Loud I Have 2 Jobs (Groc. Store And Liquor Store) I Have A Cat...Cali I LOVE Eating Like 4 Wheeling And Snow Sledding I Love Fishing I Like Being In The Water I Like Tanning On My Pool I Dont Like Shoping I Take 1/2 To Get Ready...Shower Included I Love Tall Shoes I Like Skirts I Like Playing Basketball With The Boys I Have Mostly Guy Friends...Girls Annoy Me!! I Have A Wonderful Loving Boyfriend His Name Is Pete He Is Also One Of My Best Friends We Do Everything Together I Like Partying With My Boys! I Love Being The Only Girl I Dont Get Mad Easy...But If I Do...WATCH OUT! Im Not Rude And I Dont Have Use For People That Are I Like The Color Blue Last But CERTAINLY Not Least...Just About A Year Now (June 19th 2006) One Of My Good Friends Died...I Miss Him So Much And Id Give Anything For Him To Be Here Now! *R.I.P. Kyle* love layout at HOT

My Interests

Being With My Friends...Partying And Just Being Retards All The Time...Watching Movies With Ash O...Sports Of Course...I Love Basketball...My Lil Brother And Sister Whom I Love To Death...And Most Of All Being An All Around Country Girl...Going Sledding...4-Wheeling...Partys In The Middle Of Kno Where...And Jumping In The Mud...
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Graphics & Layouts
Layouts at HotFreeLayouts

I'd like to meet:

Hummm Id Love To Meet Micheal Jordan...Or...Jessica SimpsonTake the quiz: "Which Laguna Beach Character are You?"

You're Hot and like to party!!! Ms. Popular! Why have one boy when there are plenty to go around!? Plus you don't want anyone to tie you down when you're just trying to have fun.
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I Listen To All Kinds Of Music...Depends On What Kinda Mood Im In Or Who Im With...


Love And Basketball Is My All Time Favorite...The Note Book Is Very Close...Thats How I Want To Die...Uhhh Anything Scary Id Watch Over And Over...Deff Funny Movies...I Dunno I Watch Them All...I Watch Alot Of Movies...
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Long Survey About Yourself
What time are you starting this?: 11:50 am
Name?: Ashley
Nicknames?: Ash...Ashie...L...Los
Date of birth?: 3-11-87
Sex?: Yes...i mean female ;) LOL
Height?: 5'3
Eye color?: Hazle
Where were you born?: New Hartford
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?: 20
Pets?: Yup...kitty name Cali
Hair color?: Brown
Piercings?: Ears...belly...nose
Town you live in?: Hickville
Favorite foods?: Itilian
Ever been to Africa?: No
Been toilet papering?: No
Love someone so much it made you cry?: In the past
Been in a car accident?:
Croutons or bacon bits?: Croutons with ranch dressing!!! (Amanda)
Favorite day of the week?: Whatever day i have off
Favorite resturant?: Applebees
Favorite flower?: Ughhh not sure
Favorite sport to watch?: Basketball!!
Favorite drink?: Water
Favorite ice cream flavor?: Choc. peanut butter
Warner Bros. or Disney?: The Bros
Favorite fast food restuarant?: Get It And Go Babi!!! (I work there)
Carpet color in your bedroom?: Yupper
How many times did you fail your driver's test?: 1 Haha
Whom did you get your last email from?: Uhh myself...sent a pic from my cell
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: Dont matter
What do you do most often when you are bored?: Sleep
Most annoying thing to say to me?: I hate it when ppl at stores ask if thats it....i wouldnt be there if it wasnt...god
Bedtime?: Whenever i pass out
Favorite TV show?: One Tree Hill
Last person you went out to dinner with?:: Uhhh...Court
Been out of country?: Yupp...Canada!
Believe in magick?: Sure
Ford or Chevy?: Whatever
What are you listening to right now?: Avrils new song "Girlfriend"
Have you ever failed a grade?: No
If you have, what grade did you fail?:
Do you have a crush on someone?: Yaaaaaa ;)
Do you have a bf/gf?: Sure do
If so, what is their name?: Pete
How long have you been together?: Who knows...i dont keep tract
What are you wearing right now?: Bra..tank top...panties...gym shorts
Would you have sex before marriage?: Ha Ya ;)
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: Also a yes
Are you a virgin?: Noppers
Do you smoke?: Smoke What?
Do you drink?: Ya
Are you ghetto?: Ha....riiiiight
Are you a player?: Nope
What are your favorite colors?: Blue
What is your favorite animal?: Dog
Do you have any birthmarks?: Yes
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: No
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: Hmmmm...Steph?
Have you ever been slapped?: No
Do you get online a lot?: Not really
Are you shy or outgoing?: Oh shit everyone knows im not shy!!
Do you shower?: Haha of course
Do you hate school?: Dont go to school
Do you have a social life?: Try alot
How easily do you trust people?: Easy
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: Hmmm not that i kno of
Would you ever sky dive?: No
Do you like to dance?: Love it!!
Have you ever been out of state?: Sure have
Do you like to travel?: Yupper
Have you ever been expelled from school?: No
Have you ever been suspended from school?: No
Do you want to get out of your hometown?: No...well yes i moved 10 miles away...does that count?
Are you spoiled?: Nope
Are you a brat?: Sometimes
Have you ever been dumped?: Ya :(
Have you ever gotten high?: Im high on life...hahaha
Do you like snapple?: Not really
Do you drink a lot of water?: All i drink
What toothpaste do you use?: Cresty
Do you have a cell phone?: Who doesnt
Do you have a curfew?: Nope
Who do you look up to?: Oh alot of ppl
Are you a role model?: Haha i dunno maybe?
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?: Ya man we went with the girl scouts in like 5th grade!
What name brand do you wear the most?: AE or Areo
What kind of jewelry do you wear?: Silver
What do you want pierced?: Nothing eles
Do you like takin pictures?: Yes I do
Do you like gettin your picture taken?: Umm sometimes
Do you have a tan?: Of course
Do you get annoyed easily?: Haha depends on who u are...
Have you ever started a rumor?: Yupper
Do you have your own phone or phone line?: own apartment to...Wow
Do you have your own pool?: My parents do
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: Whatever
Do you have any siblings?: Yes...4
Have you ever been played?: To many times
Have you ever played anyone?: No
Do you get along with your parents?: Do now...dont live at home
How do you vent your anger?: To my friends
Have you ever ran away?: No
Have you ever been fired from a job?: Nope
Do you even have a job?: Yes...I have 2 now
Do you daydream a lot?: If im bored
Do you have a lot of ex's?: A few
Do you run your mouth?: Not usally
What do you want a tattoo of?: Tinkerbell
What do you have a tattoo of?: Butterfly...and 2 jap. symbols (love and dream)
What does your ex bf/gf look like?: Tall..dark hair..cute
What does your most recent crush look like?: Again...talll...dark hair and cute
Whats her/his name?: And again...Pete
Have you ever been bitched out?: Yupp
Are you rude?: No...i dont have use for rude people
What was the last compliment you recieved?: hair looked beautiful
Do you like getting dirty?: Oh ya ;)
Are you flexiable?: Haha sure am!
What is your heritage?: ITILIAN!!
What is your lucky number?: 15
What does your hair look like right now?: Thrown up on my head
Could you ever be a vegetarian?: God no
Describe your looks?: Hmmm i dunno look at my pics!
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: Black
Would you ever date someone younger than you?: One Yr
Would you ever date someone older than you?: All my bf's have been older
When was the last time you were drunk?: 9 mnts ago...sad i kno
How many rings until you answer the phone?: Depends on who it is
Have you ever been skinny dipping?: Nope...willing
If yes, when was the last time?:
When was the last time you went on a date?: 2 weeks or so...went to the casino with my boy!
Do you look more like your mother or father?: Either
Do you cry a lot?: Nope
Do you ever cry to get your way?: I use to
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: Ok?
Are you the romantic type?: Kinda i guess
Have you ever been chased by cops?: No
What do you like most about your body?: My hair
What do you like least about your body?: Few things
When did you have your first crush?: 5th grade
When was the last time you threw up?: Month ago...i was so sick
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: Dont matter
Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?: All the time
What about cleavage?: Ha God knows i have that!!
Is your best friend a virgin?: Heff...No
Have you ever fucked someone up?: No
Have you ever been fucked up?: Hahaha sure
What theme does your room have?: Doesnt really
What size show do you wear?: Do you mean shoe? 8 1/2
What is your screen name on .. BeautifulDreamz4
How are you feeling right now?: Happy :)
When was the last time you were at a party?: For my birthday ( March 11th)
Have you ever given a lapdance?: No cant say that i have
Have you ever recieved one?: Again no
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: Ya
What is one of your bad qualilties?: I swear alot
What is one of your good qualilties?: Uhhhh ;)
Would you marry for money?: Nope
What do you drive?: Saturn
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?: Neather
So?: What
Well?: Ur gay!
When was the last time you cried in school?: Never have
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?: Nope
What kind of music do you like?: Any
Would you ever bungee jump?: Umm maybe
What is your worst fear?: CLOWNS!!!!!!!!!
Would you ever join the army?: No
Do you like cows?: I guess there ok...we have alot here
If you were to die today, what would you do?: Tell everyone like i loved them and tell the ppl i hate fuck last time
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it b?: I love/hate you (depends on who was there)
Do you like to party?: When i have time
Hearts or broken hearts?: Hearts...broken ones hurt
Moons or stars?: Both
Coke or pepsi?: Yuck
Favorite scent?: Dont matter
Favorite band?: Dunno
Would you ever dye your hair red?: No (No Offence Heff)
How many languages can you speak?: 1 1/2
What time are you finishing this?: 12:27 pm
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I Love Tv...Laguna Is My Fav Show...Humm...I Love Viva LaBam And Jackass To...
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50 girly Girl Questions...
What color is your bra? Purpal and lacy
Do you straighten your hair everyday? Noper
Do you worry about the size of your boobs? No
What's your favorite girly magazine? Cosmo all the way
Would you kill for chocolate? No! I hate choc!
Jeans or skirts? Jeans... well both.. summertime is great for skirts!!! but its winter so jeans
Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? Yah...gotta look hott
Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy? Ha no i get ready in 30 min...including showering
Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?: No
Would you leave the house without makeup on?: Ya
Do you consider making out "unladylike" Nooo way!
On a scale of 1-10, how fun is shopping?: Blah -1...i HATE it
Are you spoiled? No
Do you think lipgloss is the best?: Uhhh i guess
Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show? Not really even tho i LOVE the O.C and One Tree Hill!!
Do you yell a lot? Yah ppl can hear me from miles away...haha
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Anywhere from 15 min (if i dont shower) and 30 (if i do)
Do you wear sweatpants/pajama pants to school/work? Yah! But yet again they are Aero or AE
Accessories make the outfit; true or false: True
do u like skater boys? Haha....Yah some are cuuuute ;)
Is pink truly the best color in the entire universe? No! Its ok tho
Lip gloss a must?: No
status? Taken...sorry boys!
Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? Nah
Do you often wish there was something you could change? Few things.
Gold or silver?: So SILVER!
The guy that you like/love/whatever, what does his name begin with? P
Do you dress up too much for holidays? No
Do you like wearing dresses? Yucki!
Do you write a lot of mushy love poems? Ew God no!
On a scale of 1-10, how much do guys confuse you? 6.... Most of them are just grungie, lowlifes, stupid or assholes so whats to be confused about there?
What makeup product could you NOT live without? FoundationAll About Ashley...
First Name: Ashley
Middle Name: Nicole
Were you named after anyone?:Nope
Do you like your name?: yeah i guess..alot of people have it tho
Were you almost named something else?: yeah...
If yes, what was it?: jessica
If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been?: john waren
Who named you?: my
Hair color?: brown
Happy with it?: yeah
Do you dye your hair?: highlight
If yes, what colors has your hair ever been?: just brown
Is your hair long or short?: long
What shampoo do you use?: back to basics
Conditioner?: same as shampoo
What about toothpaste?: crest
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: like 4
Are your teeth straight?: i guess
Do you/did you have braces?: sure did
Are your teeth white?: i guess
What color are your eyes?: hazle
Are you happy with it?: mostly
What would you change them to?: blue
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: supose to wear glasses but i dont
What hand do you write with?: right
When is your birthday?: march 11th...
What time were you born?: 11:14 Pm
Do you share a birthday with any of your friends?: Uhhh Yah
What about family members?: my beautiful baby brother
What about celebrities?: no idea
What's your Zodiac sign?: fish one...cant think right now
Chinese Zodiac sign?: idk
What age do you wish you were?: like 22
What age do you act?: haha ask my friends
Height: 5'3"
Weight: take a guess
Shirt size: med
Pant size: haha take another guess
Shoe size: 8 1/2
Sock size: idk
Ring size: 7
What is your mom's name?: Laurie
Dad's?: John
Any brothers?:2
If yes, their names & ages: John(14) Matthew(3)
Any sisters?: also 2
If yes, their names & ages: Jamie(16) Kaylee(1)
Favorite family member?: my monstrito (matthew)
Least favorite family member?: haha i have 2 that come to mind...
Which family members live with you?:i live alone
Do you have any pets?: yes
Type of animal & their names?: a baby kitty named Cali
What grade are you in?: graduated
What school do you attend?: dont at the moment
What do people stereotype you as?: umm no clue Friends-
Best?: heff steph amanda and court
Oldest?: the same 4 above
Newest?: uhhh hollie and em
Nicest??: haha all at some times
Meanest?: haha...hummm amanda...dont piss her off
Prettiest?: my friends are all gorgeous
Ugliest?: have ugly friends prolly not
Best singer?: hollie
Best dancer?: hollie
Smartest?: yenniefuuuurrr
Dumbest?: haha idk
Most perverted?: hum they all can be at times...
Most stuck up?: uhhh yah
Funniest?: all my friends are fun or eles they wouldnt be my friends
Sweetest?: yennie Do you believe in God?: yes
Heaven and Hell?: yes...
Do you believe that there is an afterlife?: yes and my Kyle is there!!
Type of music?: all kinds
Singer?: ashlee simpson maybe Cartoon?: lilo and stitch
Movie?:love and basketball
Food?: pasta
Drink?: water
Restaurant?: applebees
Fast food restaurant?: get it and go
Letter?: dunno
Number?: 15
Word?: not sure
Thing to do?: Uhhh.... ;)
Sport?: basketball
Sports team?: syracuse
Time of day: afternoon
Day of the week: friday
Week of the year: not sure
Month of the year: july
Day of the year: hummmmm my birthday
City: new york city
State: florida maybe
Country: not sure
Continent: not sureBoyfreind/Girlfriend
DO you have a bf/gf? Sure do
What is their name? Pete
How old is he/she? same age as me
How long have you been with them? dont keep tract
Are you a virgin? nope
Where do you see yourself one year from now?: dunno pFive years from now?: married
Ten years from now? still married with beautiful children
Twenty years from now?: watching my kids grow up
What is your future occupation?: own my own business
Do you want to get married?: yes more then anything
Do you want to have children?: yes...2
What would you name the girls?: Jordyn Nichole
The boys?: Hummm...not sure
Where are you going to college?: not in college
What age do you hope to be married by?: 23-24ish
What age do you hope to have children by?: 26ish maybe


I Look Up To Alot Of People In A Lot Of Different Ways...My Family And Friends!

My Blog

About Me

1. What's your middle name?Nicole2. Is your cell phone a flip phone?Uh Duh3. Have you ever been to New Jersey?Sure Have4. What's your favorite soda?Dont Like Soda5. Do you have satellite?No...Digatial...
Posted by Italian Princess on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 05:39:00 PST