lauren adams profile picture

lauren adams

underneath the city lies the ruins of mankind...

About Me

"Missionaries are murderers. All social reformers are dangerous. And people who are seeking service can be very, very violent, aggressive. They are. If you are in the grip of a good man, it is difficult to escape. You are imprisoned. And he is doing everything for your sake. And whatsoever he is doing, he is trying to find a way through you to his own heaven. You are just the eans. And this is the most immoral act in the world, to treat a man as a means. I call it the most immoral act, the greatest sin, to treat a man as a means. Every man is an end in himself!"
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
from "Until You Die"

"The continued existence of a government would be of no great value, if by implications and presumptions, it was disarmed of the powers necessary to accomplish the ends of its creation; and the functions it was designed to perform, transferred to the hands of privileged corporations." -Roger Taney
i don't really know what i'm supposed to say. i'm a dumb bitch that sings about smart girls and isn't one. i write songs about my experience as a lonely jaded asshole, but being down isn't as fun as being cute, so the songs come out cute and fun. but don't let that shit fool you, i'm a dark motherfucker. dark as night.
... okay so that's not true either. well it is sometimes. i don't know. listen to my songs, and if doing that does not provide enough of the ridiculous details about my life, then start asking questions, and i'll answer them. probably through interperetive dance.
oh by the way, i'm in a band with my three best friends, and we're called the naughty naughty nurses... and if you think my shit is cute, the nurses will rot the teeth right outchyo mouf. shit. down there's a video of us doin something stupid, probably. and i apologize in advance if anyone sees the documentary emily lacey made that we're in... holy shit was i drunk, and i look like i have a terrible mullet. sweet.
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My Interests


Member Since: 8/16/2005
Band Website: yer at it dummy
Band Members: i write dis shit
Influences: you know how people used to say that the clash was the only band that mattered? they were wrong. it's endless mike and the beagle club.
Sounds Like: Hail, Poetry, thou heav'n-born maid! Thou gildest e'en the pirate's trade. Hail, flowing fount of sentiment! All hail, all hail, divine emollient!
Record Label: Lo-Fi
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

life outside the box

lordy lordy. life outside the music box ain't easy.except when i get to play a sweet show for awesome LVPA kids. then it rules. so i've been home now about  a week and a half and i miss my brothe...
Posted by lauren adams on Sun, 11 May 2008 03:16:00 PST


this is just something i wrote down in my journal the other day and thought it might be nice to share. january 12th 3:00am joe rogers took me in for the night, a fugitive of my own space falling down ...
Posted by lauren adams on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 05:21:00 PST

holy deregimented flashdance, batman

last weekendwas the best weekendof my life. so my home was swarming with some of the most amazing human beans to ever walk the urf. they are:billy mack attackb-manbean sadlercas sadlerannachristie sad...
Posted by lauren adams on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 12:00:00 PST

a lesson in the abuse of basement shows

this may have been the most rock and roll weekend in the history of naughty nurses everyhwere. our first feat was to play the punk picnic at lemon hill, on saturday. other than some drama with ou...
Posted by lauren adams on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 10:30:00 PST

the sweetest push and pull you've ever felt

so there's some stuff to talk about. first: i have a new song up, which is also available for download. it seems to not be playing for some people because i just put it up last night. hopefully that ...
Posted by lauren adams on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 11:15:00 PST

beauties and beasts (from the NNN blog)

hooooller! it's lauren, from yr favorite band EVER! it's been a while since any of us did this bloggin nonsense, so here goes:let me begin by saying how much we dearly miss our buzzin nurse bea who's ...
Posted by lauren adams on Sat, 19 May 2007 10:06:00 PST

swing and turn, jubilee, live and learn, jubilee...

so this may get a little feminist-y... just keep in mind as i'm reading this that i'm drinkin a beer thinkin about how bad i want to fuck that bitch from grey's anatomy... no i don't care which one. i...
Posted by lauren adams on Wed, 16 May 2007 07:13:00 PST

i love a sinking stone that'll never elope

wednesday i left philadelphia with high hopes for recording with gr. glacier and thomas and todd... when i arrived, after the creepiest motel encounter of my life, gr. and i proceeded to get hammered ...
Posted by lauren adams on Wed, 02 May 2007 05:47:00 PST

bea said, "tom, may i get some directions?"

and thus the weekend began. well, that is, after a friday night sisters three show at the millcreek, talk with jellyboy about a nurses vagina sideshow, and two hours of middle-of-the-night exodus, bo...
Posted by lauren adams on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 09:23:00 PST

either way, ophelia will cry

an entry from 2.26.07: ZIP! ZIP! ZIP! DOWN the path, so fast I forget where I'm leaving, and this is the point. So fast, I'm driving and only driving. I don't think of why. A blast of wind sends snow ...
Posted by lauren adams on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:59:00 PST