Xana profile picture


About Me

My name is Matt. I have thrown away any clever
faces for my little routine here. I have just made up
my mind to be me. I am 21 years old and I play the
keys by way of just listening. I am not that special
or can really say I am a prodigy in what I do. I simply
sit around and create these imperfect little pieces that
communicate from my feelings and thoughts. I have played
ever since I was 10 years old and progressed since. I
am still picking up new tricks as I go.
I feel I owe it to myself to share what I create with the
world so I can at least die knowing I did something meaningful.
Playing has always been an escape and very therapeutic for
me. I do it for no one else but me.
I don't have a whole lot of flashy professional recordings
to present for this page and what is already up is surely
laughable and can be mocked horribly. But its all I can do.
I don't have people who can spoil me and make it more
I would love to go somewhere with it given the right opportunity
but then again every single human wants to be put on a pedistool
and we all have selfish little pipe dreams. So whatever.
I still think it would be nice to give to those who appreciate and
understand. For now I can still be happy keeping it to myself.
I don't really know what else to say. However thanks so much
for taking time out of your busy time on the internets to listen.
If you like it, it joys me. If you don't that is ok too.
You just belong in another genre that speaks to you.

My Interests


Member Since: 01/10/2007
Band Members: ||Matthias||

Record Label: None
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog


So I am working on a CD to hopefully release bymid July. Changes will be made to older stuff andmixed as clean as I possibly know how for this.Keep a close eye.Thanx
Posted by on Tue, 05 May 2009 20:48:00 GMT

Will have vocals up soon.

So yes people it is self-explanatory. Here after a whileI will have about 2 new tracks with vocals. Productioncapability has been a little complicated lately due torelocation issues but its being work...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 23:06:00 GMT

So what am I doing and what are my plans?

Well hey. Its my first one of these for this page. Well as of the current time I am working on andputting together alot of new pieces. I want toput out a demo with at least ten songs. It willbe a pian...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 13:02:00 GMT