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Penny's Open Mic

About Me

A proud residence of Horsetrade Theater Company This is an (A)Muse Collective Production UNDER St. Marks Theater 94 St. Marks Place Btwn First Ave and Ave A Every Tuesday 9pm-2am Only 3 dollars
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I created Penny's Open Mic over two years ago. Still going strong, I am so proud to see what it has become and thanks to (a)muse collective I am so excited to see where it's going.
Penny’s Open Mic invites you and any artist to gather together in a theater every Tuesday to workshop, experiment and share their work 7 minutes at a time. The audience is here to listen and support, there is a back garden for talking and smoking, a bar for drinks including $4 Budweiser tall boys, there is a green room for the performers on deck to prepare before they go on stage. On this stage anything is welcome…except for heckling fire and glitter. The audience doesn’t take focus away from the person on stage and the person on stage does not heckle the audience. With the help of the many talented artists who grace this stage Pennys Open Mic has become an inspiring atmosphere where people feel free and safe to grow as artists and as people.
Every week has a different theme a featured special guest and free raffle prizes!
Under St. Marks Theater, Right in the heart of the east village's last stand. With a brand new sound system, a large stage for dancers, a screen for film-makers and managers dedicated to art over profit, Horsetrade theater co has gained the hearts and attention from a new generation of artists/performers by rewarding risk-taking and experimentation. The under St. marks scene inspires innovation while remaining abashed in the true east village spirit.
"Spoken-word artists, musicians and other creative folks are invited to share their talents at this weekly gathering hosted by Penny Pollak."
Four time Books and Poetry Critics Pick!
- Time Out New York-
"Head on down to Penny’s Open Mic for a supportive crowd to urge you on to greater vocal heights. It’s the gift that keeps on giving."
24/7 Things to do in NYC
-The New York Press-
"Penny's Open Mic Night at Under St.Marks Theater... Readers are chosen by lottery pre-show, and those lucky few get 7 minutes of open-mic. Sessions interspersed with raffle prizes, special guests, fancy beer, and a musical hootenanny!"
-The L Magazine

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