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About Me

Riley Martin says it all started when he was seven... they took little Riley aboard an alien spacecraft to a huge mothership near the planet Saturn. Born 1946 into a family of sharecroppers where adults can not read or write. In 1953 two aliens took little Riley on his first trip to their mothership near Saturn. Riley's second trip was when he was 18. It was on this trip that they placed a strange looking headset on him... then in a matter of seconds download into his brain...beautiful symbols by the thousands...then while Riley slept they downloaded the history of humanity, alien insights,and a whole lot more.Riley made friends with this little alien he calls..Tan.O-Qua Tangin Wann.

Tan released a block they had on Riley's memory. Then in 1987 Riley was driving on Interstate-40 and saw 4 saucers coming up behind his car he took four pictures of them then took those Polaroid photographs to a hypnotist... he was hypnotized to find out what happened. Then Riley wrote it down. It was a 593 page manuscript Riley called it The Coming of Tan.

My Interests

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The Official Riley Martin Website

The Coming of Tan Millennium Edition Audio Book

Originally written in 1990, The Coming Of Tan is an incredible account of the many things learned and experienced by a poor sharecroppers kid that took his first trip to the Biaviian mothership in 1953. Riley's second trip was when he was 18. It was on this trip that they placed a strange looking headset on him... then in a matter of seconds download into his brain...beautiful symbols by the thousands.

While Riley slept, they downloaded the history of humanity, alien insights, and a mass of knowledge into his memory. Riley made friends with these aliens and shares his many conversations and experiences through this book.

This new edition includes Riley’s further insights and comments on some of the things that have come to pass since the first publication of this book. Hear Riley, in his own words and voice, share the alien’s message. One that we should all take a responsibility for: Save This Planet.

My Blog

The Official Riley Martin Forum is Now Live!

The Official Riley Martin Forum is Now Live! Visit to discuss Riley,the Seven Type of Aliens, 2012 and more. Share your symbols and chat with fellow wayfarers.Click her...
Posted by on Sat, 16 May 2009 13:42:00 GMT

Riley on Cartoon Networks Squidbillies.

Watch Riley as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Cartoon Network's 'Squidbillies.' 195d00ad7b0065
Posted by on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 19:41:00 GMT

The Coming of Tan Millennium Edition Softcover Book Available now.

Originally written in 1990, The Coming Of Tan is an incredible account of the many things learned and experienced by a poor sharecroppers kid that took his first trip to the Biaviian mothership in 195...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 18:13:00 GMT

Riley Martin Talking Bobblehead In Stock!

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Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 17:52:00 GMT