MUR profile picture


Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve eit

My Interests


I enjoy everything from tango and folklore music from my birth place of Argentina to some Slayer. In simpler terms, my musical tastes cover a wide span.


Baraka, Breakfast Club, American Beauty, The Waking Life, Casino, Usual Suspects, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I Heart Huckabees, Lock, Stock, Two Smoking Barells, Full Metal Jacket, Juno, The Motorcycle Diaries...


When i do watch tv it's programs like The First 48, Intervention, and Nip/Tuck. The cartoon Boondocks rules. Channels like Discovery Times, National Geographic are more my speed. And, i must admit, i do watch Sex and the City (no i am not gay). It's an extremely well written show. Also entertaining!


The Book: On the Tabbo Against Knowing Who You Are by: Alan WatttsAnarchism and Other Essays by: Emma GoldmanSkinny Legs and All by: Tom RobbinsWelcome to the Monkey House: by: Kurt VonnegutUnderstanding Power: The Indispensible Chomsky by: Noam ChomskyWalden & Civil Disobedience by: Henry D. Thoreau