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About Me

MySpace Layouts - Ice Blue myspace layouts..This is my space - and my story... :-)I grew up in Moscow, where I was born, and Paris, where my family lived for almost five years back in the eighties. As younger, I had no connection to Faroes or Nordic countries at all. But I've always been very interested in geography, especially islands and small countries (and have remembered all 200-about capitals of world states since I was 5 or 6). I fall in love with Scandinavia of many different reasons (nature, languages, music, achievments in soccer for comparatively smaller nations and even Nordic people's looks). I found it exciting to discover any possible facts about the Faroes, because it was a tiny island nation of Scandinavian origin with own language, culture, flag, anthem, and even international football team! And of course the breathtaking beauty of Faroeland itself. It was quite difficult to find any materials back then, as we lived in pre-internet era and possibilities for finding any literature about that Far Away Country were extremely limited.When I was 16, the Faroes made their debut in international soccer competitions and shocked the world, beating World cup participants Austria. Such a great impression and influence that game and it's outcome made on me and my mind, that my life changed and has never been the same since. The events of September 12, 1990 affected so dramatically my person and my destiny. I became fatally "infected" by that uncurable virus, called faroenza and got a dream of moving to Faroeland one day and devoting the rest of my life to this little magical country.At the age of 23 I left Russia for my adopted homeland and never looked back. Within' short period of time, I became an integral part of the Faroese community. Almost all my close friends are Faroese and I'm very proud of being able to speak and write the small, old and beautiful Nordic language of Faroeland as a native speaker. In fact, I consider myself more as Faroese than Russian, although it is possible for me to look at different things and analyse them through both Faroese and Russian "glasses".All in all, I'm a very happy person in most respects and am glad for having chosen the destiny I once did. I've had some personal disappointments and probably even disillusionments regarding Faroes, but my love and passion for the country is as strong as ever. I would rather look forward to my future, which I connect with Faroeland and it's fantastic people... I would love to live in a free and independent Faroese republic, which is one of my big dreams yet to be fulfilled...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Interesting and honest people...

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