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About Me

What u sayin peps!!!I go by the name of BruKkCurrently livin in Swindon. Main Passion is music and would love to go further with it. On my page I have 2 tracks. The first is my latest “IgnoRance”. This is my first stab at Dubstep. I fell in love with Dubstep as soon as I herd it about 3 years ago on Mary Ann Hobs’ Experimental show on Radio 1. What can I say….BASS! Its music with feeling! The second track is a Breakbeat track “There 4 U”. It’s a track I did when I first started out. It’s not great but it’s nice to have up to show me where I was and where I am now. I’m currently working on new material and will upload new tracks as soon as their finished. Musical interests range from Dubstep, Breakbeat, Grime, Brit-Hip Hop, Crunk, D&B, Soul, Dub, some R&B, Electro; new & old.. I also do abit of DJin which ive been doing since I was 15. Anywayz that’s enough about me. Hope u enjoy the tracks and drop me a comment and tell me what u think.Peace!BruKkus.BIG SHOUT TO DREWZ THE DARK ARTIST FOR MY BACKGROUND PIC. U CAN FIND HIM AT

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My Interests


Member Since: 10/1/2007
Influences: Plastician, Skream, Lofah, Benga, Vex'd, Wonder
Record Label: Unsigned

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