Charity Music Inc is currently in need of the following:
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - Any and all Musical Instruments regardless of age or condition.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DROP OFF LOCATIONS - Volunteer to allow donors to drop off Musical Instruments at your location. (We will pick them up from you once a week)
CONCERT TICKETS - Any and all available Concert Tickets regardless of type or Venue.
CD's and other Autographed items that we may sell in our Ebay Store
TOP TEN MYSPACE LISTINGS - You may help a great deal by including Charity Music in your top ten listing. This SMALL gesture on your part, cam make a BIG impact on our mission.
To include Charity Music simply do a search using [email protected]
What's in it for You?
In addition to receipts for income tax purposes, we also provide SUBSTANTIAL RECOGNITION on our main website for all donated Items and Services.
Bands, Individuals, Pubs, Lounges, and all Volunteers wishing to help promote our organization may contact us at Charity Music Inc