Sports, respectable young women, being happy with myself, minding my business, guns(I ain't crazy...maybe a lil), great music, being happy in general, and dancing... msprm name="quality" value="high
Jesus, young Chuck Norris, the female who realized you could put a penis in more than one place, the white people who brought my ancestors over here, the first black guy to have sex with a white woman(he did not know what he started), dead prez, the first person to eat a pig's intestines, the first person to masturbate, the person who came up with the English language, the woman who will make me happy about being monogamous, my future boss, the doctor who smacked me on the bottom when I came out of my mother's vagina, the people who made malt liquor, Newports, marijuana joints, blunts, bowls, etc., who found out how good food was fried, who thought watermelon was good, the first black person to show how fast and strong he was, the first people to trade and sell our ancestors to the Europeans, and the person who set the rules for profanity, and the person who came up with the name of football because we barely kick it...stupid..., the person who came up with the middle finger being derogatory, Lil Jon, and old people, they are so funny... the first black person who had the balls to hit a white woman, women in abusive relationships (working a documentary), abused men who are still a the relationship with the woman abusing them(so i can cut your balls off...), my paternal greatgrandparents, the cop who is going to kill me, and again, my queen cuz i'm bored with "the game"...
rap, r&b, old school, some rock, some country, classical, some jazz, reggae, some dancehall, and gospel...
Sports ..aries and Vince Vaughn and Will Ferell movies(even "Be Cool" and "Kicking and Screaming") and 70s-90s black flicks i.e. Foxy Brown, The Mack, Purple Rain, Juice, Menace II Society, and "Coming to America", .
Entourage, Boondocks, The Wire, Family Guy, King of the Hill, Simpsons, anything but reality shows or Lifetime Movies except "Being Bobby Brown"(I like the real Whitney better than the one she portrayed before Bobby).
Non-fiction books
Jesus, Juan Dixon, Jerry Stackhouse, my parents, my maternal grandfather, and everybody who isn't a loser at life.