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*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Asherley Chewitt
Date of Birth: 31st Of May 1988
Birthplace: Lister Hospital Stevenagee
Current Location: Chells Stevenagee
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: Id Say Its Small
Heritage: Englishhh
Piercings: Ears and belly button
Tattoos: 2 a fairy and a butterfly with a chinese symbol
Band/Singer: Rihanna, Ciara, Amar
Song: Ny Ft Faith GOOD SHIZZLE
Movie: Freedom Wrighters, NEMO
Disney Movie: Cinderella
TV show: MTVs Wildin Out
Color: Yellowww
Food: Pasta
Pizza topping: Ermm Pineapple
Ice-Cream Flavor: Ben And Jerrys Mix
Drink (alcoholic): Archers And Lemonade Or Baileys
Soda: Appleade
Store: New Look, Tk Maxx
Clothing Brand: Dont Really Matter To Me
Shoe Brand: Same As Above
Season: Summer Timeee Kinis On Babyyy
Month: My Month Mayyy
Holiday/Festival: Easterrrr
Flower: Lily, Plain Pretty And Blooming
Make-Up Item: Eye Liner
Board game: Game Of Life
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Rainy = Hard Nips Hahaha
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolateeee
Fruit or veggie: Fruit Nanassss
Night or day: Night Coz You Get Jiggy With It :P
Sour or sweet: Sour I Love The Funny Faces Lol
Love or money: Love because money cant buy you love
Phone or in person: In Person More Fun
Looks or personality: Pearsonality Whats Looks Without A Personality
Coffee or tea: Tea Babyy
Hot or cold: Cold Is Better ;)
Goal for this year: Skinny Dipping!
Most missed memory: My Family Being Close
Best physical feature: Boobage
First thought waking up: Is My Dick Still There!!!!
Hypothetical personality disorder: What Part Of Perfect Dont You Understand?
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Dental :(
Sesame street alter ego: Whattttt
Fairytale alter ego: Being Spoilt Like Snow White Whit Them Men hahaha
Most stupid remark: Gay Head
Worst crime: Shoplifting
Greatest ambition: To Be Happy
Greatest fear: Haunted Houses In Fairs!
Darkest secret: Ahhahahahaha I Cant Tell You
Favorite subject: Ashley Aka Me
Strangest received gift: A Pillow, But I Loved It
Worst habit: Sucking My Thumb And Paranoya
Do You:
Smoke: Hell No H2o
Drink: One May Say Too Much
Curse: Well YEAHH
Shower daily: Yeahh I Do
Like thunderstorms: Naqh They Shit Me Up
Dance in the rain: I Would Love To Thanks
Sing: I DO My Best
Play an instrument: Weyyyyy Yeah Chris's Big One
Get along with your parents: PAHAHAHAHAHAHAA......
Wish on stars: I Do
Believe in fate: I Believe In You
Believe in love at first sight: Well Look At Me And Chris Nuff Said
Can You:
Drive: Yeah But Not Legal
Sew: I Can Im Quite An Artist
Cook: Yeahhhh Im A Woman!
Speak another language: Sign Language Count?
Dance: I Like To Shake What My Mumma Gave Me
Sing: Ask Simon
Touch your nose with your tongue: No Bugger
Whistle: Just About lol
Curl your tongue: Yeahhh Watch....
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Pahahaha Yes
Been Stoned/High: No Drugs Are Bad MKayyyyy
Eaten Sushi: No No Nemo
Been in Love: I Am
Skipped school: Too Many Times
Made prank calls: I Do All The Time
Sent someone a love letter: Yeshh chrisssss
Stolen something: Pahahaha Yeahhhh
Cried yourself to sleep: Yeshh :(
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Being Overly Friendly With GIRLSSSS
Are you right or left handed? Whatevers Free
What is your bedtime? When Im SLeepy
Name three things you can't live without: Chris, Roxie And My Phone
What is the color of your room? Nautralll
Do you have any siblings? Too Many
Do you have any pets? Again Too Many Loool
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Id Say Yes And Pay Someone Else Half :P
What is you middle name? Michelle
What are you nicknames? Ashey, Bashey, Gash, Asherley, Sashey
Are you for or against gay marriage? For It
What are your thoughts ..ion? I Think It Depends On The Situation
Do you have a crush on anyone? CHRISSSSSS
Are you afraid of the dark? A Little
How do you want to die? Like A Warrior
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? About 6
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Yes
What is the last law you’ve broken? Shoplifting
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Brown, Blonde... Almost Ginger haha
Eye color: Blue....
Height 6 Ft 6 lol
Most important physical feature: Willyyyyyyyyyyyy
Biggest turn-off Too Many Girl Mates!!!!!
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My Interests

intrests are CHRIS hehe hes my baby boy, i cant get enough of him hes soooooo hot!

Get Your Sexy Name

My intrests are really my mates all my close people! as there the ones who desurve my time and mates stebbie shes my number 1 and my phone i love pets too hehe got a staffie shes ace!

I'd like to meet:

people or anyother kind as mates! nothing more so if ur lookin for an internet slut you have hit the wrong profile!!! GO AWAY lool!!!!
How to make a Ashley Hewitt
5 parts jealousy
3 parts courage
3 parts
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little curiosity if desired!

Personality cocktail


UK Garage is the best also like RnB, Hip Hop, Rap and i like abit ov DnB :P RAW FM CHOON UR RADIOS IN 107.60 FRIDAY - SUNDAY DONT MISS IT!!!


hmm i love nemo hes the best i love bfg also hes the man! i like any film but excorsist coz it shits me up! but im game!


MTV always watchin that lol and eastenders coz its gettin intresting hehe but i love gettin the old porno on watch them girls do there thing..... EWWWWWW!MY LITTLE MONSTER..................

MySpace Glitter Graphics


i read mags and there mostly Nuts And Zoo!! coz imma right perv!! yes thats right PERV! lol


Has to be Chris....... not really a hero... but hes amazing.... the shit that boys done and yet remains the best person ive ever meet :) xxx

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My Blog


wit woo, im ashley aka mini moo lmao! BIG UP STEPHERS shes my main bitch hahaha how is everyone today? ...
Posted by Asherley on Wed, 17 Aug 2005 05:14:00 PST