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i'm shortish with dark brown hair, blue eyes. . . . .me and alvin have just moved into a new flat (he's my hamster)i love to perform write sing and design. . .i can't play any specific instruments but i can pick up the basics really quickly i can use the double bass peddle on the drums really well its just the rest of the kit i haven't mastered hehe. . . . MyGen Profile Generator
You're an Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble What Kind of Kisser Are You?
You Are a Drama Queen (or King)
And the oscar goes to... you!
You're all about overreacting and just plain acting.
You see the world as your stage, and give a great performance.
And while you're friends may find you entertaining at times...
Everyone's secretly hoping that you'll just chill a little.
(But they'd never tell you - they fear your wrath!) Are You a Drama Queen (or King)?
You scored as Mermaid. Mermaid: Mermaids are also known as Sirens. These creatures were beautiful women who tricked sailors into becoming completely entranced by their haunting voices and found death soon after. Not all stories of Mermaids are about gentle loving sea people. They are mystical, magical, and extremely dangerous. They have a way about them that brings anyone they are around to seem enchanted. They are very mysterious creatures and to meet one... Would mean certain Death. Let the song of the Sea fill your soul, for you are a Mermaid.
What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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Which of the rock songs that I like are you? [pictures]
You are "Bring me to life" by Evanescence. Hopeless, depressed and soulless are your keywords. Yet you have a hope, someone who can see you for who you are. Keep searching, or start to.
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Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
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