Hey everybody, thanks for checking out this site. It's the Tulsa chapter of TEAM BRITNEY. Originally, Team Britney sites were organized to demonstrate support of Britney Spears for the release of her lasy album, "Black Out" October of '07. I have some other myspace profiles, but this one is being run for Britney-fans. I also print a local fanzine (Mosa Magazine) & advertise this site in it, as I look foward to booking promotions for Tulsa Britney-fans. I just added alot of BARACK OBAMA videos to educate fellow Britney-fans about the man I wanted to see as the next president of the USA. Well, he won. There are tons of videos on youtube of Obama making speeches & of his vision for America. It's a great feeling to hear him speak. So go check them out! Thanks for being a friend of this site everybody. ~Mosa
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