Jessie profile picture


Just gonna get my feet wet, until I drown

About Me

I have entered my second year of floundering. Excellent.

My Interests

literature, feminism (especially in Japan), cycling, dancing, Eastern Europe, wildlife, maps, my little house even though it has recently turned into a rat-infested refridgerator.

I'd like to meet:

those with active imaginations and street smarts.


The Clash, Joni Mitchell, Arcade Fire, Gorillaz, New Pornographers, Flaming Lips, Johnny Cash, The Pixies, Gogol Bordello, Sublime, Indigo Girls, Dar Williams, Metric, The Weepies, Feist, Pink Floyd, Devendra Banhart, Joanna Newsom, Fiona Apple, Ani, Tori, Aesop Rock, Allison Krauss, Rilo Kiley, The Residents, and always The Velvet Underground


Adaptation, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Bonnie and Clyde, Secretary, Back to the Future, Full Metal Jacket, Mononoke, Autumn Sonata, No Country for Old Men


THE WIRE, South Park, Daily Show, Ali G, John Safran vs. God, Simps


Catch-22, Kinkakuji, The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon, The Lord of the Rings, Everything is Illuminated, To the Lighthouse, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Too Loud a Solitude, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Neil Gaiman's The Sandman


Humphrey the Whale and Delirum!