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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

my name is naitha. i am a poor speller. i believe in simultaneous slave uprisings.

My Interests



the psychic paramount, pravada, panda and child, can, robert fripp, public enemy, marty green, Florida=Death, Moe!kestra, curse ov dialect, pere ubu, phantom pains, gerald r. stokes,


the grande illusion, the battle of algiers, tombstone, fellini satyricon, pirates of silicon valley, pickpocket, Brain Candy, les mistons, the rabbit-proof fence,


marketing strategies


"101 hamburger jokes" bertrand russell-"why i am not a christian" thomas wolfe-especially "you can't go home again"


garbage men and retards

My Blog

Doctor Explosion

Doctor E.:   you don't wanna loose your teeth, do ya?  me:   no, just a large chunk of space between then and death.  i want to gain some ankle weights for the climb...or...
Posted by naitha on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 11:50:00 PST

down in the valley

not worth it if it doesn't make a sound.  no time for work buzz or making out relaxing sick whine or getting lost.  we sound like vital organs in the toilet-scared of it but some part of ali...
Posted by naitha on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 08:56:00 PST

christians and fantasy creeps

if i believed in myths or omens, something might make sense.  greed is god. work is church. i am at work and i feel used.  ashamed.  these are truly the dim ages
Posted by naitha on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 07:55:00 PST