Learning new things, about this old ass world. It could be meeting positive minded people thats trying to come up, and spread love to the next muthafucka, or it could be me doing the same. ya feel. Just DOING THE DAMN THANG.
I'd like to meet:
Anybody Thats REAL, I jus cant get wit the FAKES AND PHONY artificial fucks. Jus the REAL ya feel. Talk to me, I'll talk back that real authenic shit yadadadigg
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Contact Box Generated from www....netFarenheit 911,Love & Basketball, Scarface,Boyz N Da Hood, Menace To Society, Open Water, Coach Carter, Remembering The Titans, Rudy, Titanic,Poetic Justice, How To Be A Playa, Paid In Full, Juice, and Above The Rim
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God, Me, My Mom,Martin Luther King, Black Pantherz, Tupac, My Ancestors, Malcolm X,Askari X, George Bush SIKE !!, My Brothaz And Sistaz, and Jesus Christ